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Utilitaires >> Classpad 300/330(+) >> Divers >> Librairie
Version : 1.11 beta Taille : 13 octets Ajouté le : 2005-01-02 Modifié le : 2005-01-02
Auteur et posteur :
CrimsoncasioHors ligneMembrePoints: 62 Défis: 0 Message
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Description :

Une séléction de progs basic à "appeler" dans vos propres progs afin de gagner du temps.

The Standard BASIC Library (or stdlib) is a collection of functions put together by various programmers to expand the functionallity of the BASIC language and to aid programmers make smaller and more powerfull programs. The library contains functions that can be used by any program and are easy to adapt to differing circumstances. The Library is placed in the library folder of the ClassPad and is acsessable from every other folder, because of the mechanics of the library folder it is easy to both use and update a program with the Library: if you use a function from the library and that function changes in the next release of the library it is a simple task to put the old version of the function in the folder your program is in and it will over-ride the function in the library folder. the same goes for modifying an existing library function to better fit your program, simply put it in the folder your program is in and it will over-ride the default Library function.

The benifits of such a library are tremendous, programmers can reuse functions and save time, users can have programs that run off the Library, therefor it saves space by eliminating repetitive code from all programs that use it. It allows new programmers to work with code that could potentially be beyond their ability to create and produce quality programs. It is reliable, each program will be heavily tested before admitance. But most of all it is a way to share knowledge amoungst ourselfs and produce better products than we could have done alone.

Using The Library:

To use the Library you must download either the RELEASE or DEVELOPEMENT version of the current version of the Library: the RELEASE is a optimised and ready to use version of the Library that is not editable, it is intended to be used by those not interested in altering or adding to the library but rather want to be able to use the programs that use the Library; the DEVELOPEMENT version is an uncompressed version that can be edited (if you edit a library function you must put that function in your folder to make sure it will work on other CP's) and added to, if you think your program is usefull and fits in the Library then send it to me for consideration.

Editing the Library:

To edit the Library for your own purposes, with no intent to redistribute, is fine. If you want to add or change something in the library for a program that you are making or because you think you could do it better then you have two choices:

Seperate your change form the library and include it in you own folder.
Send me your change (after making sure it complies with the rules) and I will look it over and possibly approve it for inclusion in the next version of the Library.

Rules of the Library:

the library is:
- A collection of usefull programs and functions made to expidite and aid the creation of BASIC programs.
- A self contained environment relying on no outside data. - A reliable developement tool.
- Backwards compatible to previous versions and has all the previous versions archived for refrence and use.
- An open source community project.

the programs in the library shall be:
- bug free or as bug free as possible.
- available for editing to anyone wishing to do so.
- documented in english.
- approved by the project leader (me).
- quality programming.
- fast and efficient as possible.
- dependant on no programs or variables other than those found in the library (ex: printl uses printf).
- able to return values in one of two ways: by including in the prameter list a string of the variable to store the value in, or by storing the value in the global variable RTN, the method used shall be specified in the documentation.
- documented using the required header and in the standard library documentation.
- a self contained environment using no global variables, with the exception of those defined in the library (ex: RTN).

the functions in the library shall be:
- commonly used and usefull math functions.
- documented in english
- approved by the project leader (me).
- dependant on no programs or variables other than those found in the library.

the required header for a program in the library is:

'program name
'standard BASIC library
'Version: #.##
'brief explenation
'return type: PRAM/RTN/NONE
'pram 1-...
'pram n-...

so the header for printf will be:

'standard BASIC library
'Version: 1.02
'prints a formatted string; _ creates a line break, [P] creates a new page with pause for keypress.
'Return type: NONE
'str- a string to be displayed with formatting.

greater documentation must be included in the form of a post in this topic, the info from that post will be included in a text file included in the DEV version of the stdlib that will include documentation of all the libraries functions. this document will not be included in release versions of the library in order to save space, however it will be available on my web site.

Rules of submission:

Anyone wishing to submit a program for the library must either send me their program or post a link to in this topic. the program must be uncompressed and within the guidelines of the library to be accepted. Any program that already exists in the library that anyone feels can be made better can be resubmitted by anyone (not just the original author) and if the new version proves better then it will replace the previous version in the next release of the library.

If you would like to participate in the project visit www.ucnetwork.com or contact CrimsonCasio (me) at Email address, replace the 【arobase】 with a @ and ▶ with a . : crimsoncasio【arobase】earthforge▶com

Also, make sure to visit www.crimsoncasio.co.nr for the latest version of the library.

Commentaires :

CartixHors ligneMembrePoints: 2748 Défis: 98 Message
Posté le 07-05-2011 à 14:10 | #
It's a great work.
I'm recently the owner of a classpad.
The topic was created 6 years ago, but if you're always working in it, I'll be able to give you somes interestings functions.
I'm hoping to work with you soon.
TotoyoHors ligneMembre d'honneurPoints: 16104 Défis: 102 Message
Posté le 07-05-2011 à 23:03 | #
As-tu contacté l'auteur par mail ?
CartixHors ligneMembrePoints: 2748 Défis: 98 Message
Posté le 09-05-2011 à 16:45 | #
Non. Je n'ai ma classpad que depuis 5j, donc je ne m'y connais pas encore suffisament pour lui proposer déjà des programmes (si ce n'est un menu à flèche et un curseur correspondant au "plot [DISP]" sur les autres calcs).

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