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Utilitaires >> Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD >> Divers >> Stopwatch Plus
Stopwatch Plus
Version : 1.0 Taille : 59216 octets Ajouté le : 2024-10-07 03:54 Modifié le : 2024-10-07 05:54
Auteur et posteur :
Axia4xyHors ligneMembrePoints: 24 Défis: 0 Message
Planète Casio - Programme Casio - Stopwatch Plus - axia4xy - Calculatrices
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Description en français :

Chronomètre (sadly in English )

English description:

Extremely accurate stopwatch application utilizing gint interrupt timers to keep time, measuring time down to 10ms.
Tested to have less than 200 PPM of drift (less than 1 second per hour)! In fact, my latest test of running the stopwatch for an hour resulted in less than 200ms of drift, equating to 60 PPM of drift!

The main use of this program is to record times of practical experiments where averaging your results is beneficial to your accuracy. In this program, you can store your results in 6 different 'groups' where all results within a group are averaged automatically. The results are stored in a file automatically on program exit and restored on program entry although the stopwatch can only run when the program is open. 37 results per group can be stored with the oldest per group being deleted with new results stored.

The drift could likely be improved with linking the time to the RTC rather than interrupts, but this is already accurate enough for most purposes. Another problem currently faced is the precision where the start and stop key presses can take around 40ms to detect from my testing which is very annoying.
Developed for the fx-9860G-III / Graph 35 E+II specifically.

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