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Graph 35 à 100
Graph 25+Pro/25+E/25+E II
Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD
Graph 100(+)
Classpad 300/330(+)
fx-CG 10/20 (Prizm)
Classpad 400(+E)
Graph 90+E
fx-92+ SC
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Jeux >> Graph 90+E >> Action/Sport >> Triangle Field
Triangle Field
Version : 0.95 Taille : 7716 octets Ajouté le : 2020-03-21 13:03 Modifié le : 2020-04-19 08:03
Auteur et posteur :
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Planète Casio - Jeu Casio action ou sport - Triangle Field - sentaro21 - Calculatrices
Nombre de visites sur cette page : 2625
Score au progrank : 45
Note actuelle : 10/10 noté 1 fois
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Ce programme a participé à l'édition n°26 des Casio Programming Contest.
Pour plus d'informations sur cet événement, cliquez ici.
Description :

Ce jeu a été élu Jeu du Mois de Mars 2020

A pseudo 3D game created as a C.Basic application to participate in Planet-Casio's CPC#26.

This program requires C.Basic

The game mode is
Time trial mode through 60 triangular gates
There is a scoring mode where you can go through the gates.

Go through the triangle gates to get points.

It will automatically speed up to a certain speed.
The turbo speed up by 35%.
When you turn, the turbo speed down.

If you hit the gate, you will receive deductions, speed decay, and damage.
The game is over when the amount of damage exceeds a certain value or the speed becomes 0.

Five levels and five gate shapes can be selected.
At initial startup, three of the five levels can be selected.
The next level can be selected if the score is more than 10000 points in the scoring mode
or less than the specified time in the time trial mode.

The narrower the gate, the higher the speed, the greater the score.
However, points will be deducted if you pass outside the gate.
Each time you pass through the gate, the gap between the gates narrows.

Handling mimics inertial motion.
Going beyond the limits of physics? Please enjoy the operation feeling.

Game Play
[cursor key] selection
[F1] game start
[F3] save score
[F5][F6] move viewpoint
[SHIFT] brake (The game ends when the speed reaches 0.)
[OPTN] accel turbo
[ALPHA] jump?
[VARS] change game mode
[0] fixed course
[1]~[9] random course
[EXIT] end of game

Automatic saving of game hi-score
Press [F3] on the demo screen to save the score data.
It will be loaded automatically at the next startup.

Note sur 10 Commentaire Date de notation
10A great game, fun and incredible. Good job !Le 26.08.2020 à 12:49

Commentaires :

LephenixnoirEn ligneAdministrateurPoints: 24919 Défis: 174 Message
Posté le 21-03-2020 à 18:29 | #
Marked as a candidate for CPC #26. Many thanks for taking the time to compete in this context
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 22-03-2020 à 08:55 | #
Thank you, too.

The zip also includes an FX version,
It may be a bit harsh due to the afterimage of the LCD.
This game is mainly CG version.
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 26-03-2020 à 07:50 | #
I fixed some bugs not related to gameplay.

version 0.91
-Fixed fps display error.
-Fixed the operation speed at 25fps.
-Fixed the text display position of FX version.
-Added battery display to CG version.
-Added [EXIT] to end of game.
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 15-04-2020 à 09:03 | #
Updated now.

version 0.95
-Added the time trial mode Press the [MENU] key to switch game mode. The default is time trial mode.
-Changed the gate appearance position based on pattern.(There is one fixed pattern and nine random patterns.)
-Changed the point deduction to be larger for passing outside the gate.
-Reduced the damage level when crashing into the gate.
-Added turbo function. It is enabletued on by default.
(If there is damage, the turbo will not work.)
-You can choose up to 3 levels when the game starts.
The next level can be selected if the score is more than 10000 points in the scoring mode
or less than the specified time in the time trial mode.
-Changed the file name of the save data.
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 19-04-2020 à 08:55 | #

You can play the FX version as well.

The LCD of GRAPH 35+E seems to have good contrast and reaction time.
The contrast of 35+EII is a little low.

(Known Defects.)
-Sometimes it is not possible to detect the release of the key.
-florian66-Hors ligneAncien rédacteurPoints: 2384 Défis: 20 Message
Posté le 19-04-2020 à 10:29 | #
It is really impressive !
Very good job !
Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 19-04-2020 à 11:09 | #

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