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Cours/E-activities >> Graph 90+E >> Physique >> KARTPRJ
Version : Taille : 53942 octets Ajouté le : 2019-11-12 15:06 Modifié le : 2019-11-15 21:02
Auteur et posteur :
Piu58Hors ligneMembrePoints: 111 Défis: 0 Message
Planète Casio - Cours Casio de physique - KARTPRJ - piu58 - Calculatrices
Nombre de visites sur cette page : 1811
Score au progrank : 3
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Ce programme est sous licence GPL 3.0.

Ce cours n'a pas été mis à jour depuis 5 années. Considérez donc son contenu avec précaution car certaines parties peuvent être obsolètes.
Description en français :

il n'y a qu'une seule description en anglais


requires c.basic

wrote a program which shows different map projections. It is based on a bundle of Python programs which I published in our astronomical magazine. I set the graphic to the same size the Python turtle graphics has. The codes are quite similar and easy to understand, at least form my point of view.

The program contains a large list of coordinates. Therefore I dis not glue it here in the forum. Please download it. There exist two versions, one for the fx-9860 series and one for the CG series. The 9860 version has lesser coordinate points because of the lower amount of memory.

English description:

requires c.basic

wrote a program which shows different map projections. It is based on a bundle of Python programs which I published in our astronomical magazine. I set the graphic to the same size the Python turtle graphics has. The codes are quite similar and easy to understand, at least form my point of view.

The program contains a large list of coordinates. Therefore I dis not glue it here in the forum. Please download it. There exist two versions, one for the fx-9860 series and one for the CG series. The 9860 version has lesser coordinate points because of the lower amount of memory.

Commentaires :

EltoredoHors ligneModérateurPoints: 4301 Défis: 35 Message
Posté le 12-11-2019 à 15:11 | #
Hello and welcome to Planet Casio,
I think that it would be great for your programs to have a more accurate description, we do not really get what you are meaning by 'voir le texte anglais'
Piu58Hors ligneMembrePoints: 111 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 12-11-2019 à 15:22 | #
I gave an English description. I checked it now and saw that is not displayed, at least not at the first view.
I now wrote the English description in the first window.

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