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Cours/E-activities >> Graph 90+E >> Physique >> DIFFSLIT
Version : 1 Taille : 1040 octets Ajouté le : 2019-11-12 14:48 Modifié le : 2019-11-15 21:02
Auteur et posteur :
Piu58Hors ligneMembrePoints: 111 Défis: 0 Message
Planète Casio - Cours Casio de physique - DIFFSLIT - piu58 - Calculatrices
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Score au progrank : 1
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Ce programme est sous licence GPL 3.0.

Ce cours n'a pas été mis à jour depuis 5 années. Considérez donc son contenu avec précaution car certaines parties peuvent être obsolètes.
Description en français :

Il n'y a qu'une seule description en anglais

requires c.basic

I plan to write a program which calculates the diffraction pattern of optical aberrations in lenses. At the first step I played around with the mathematics and physics with the much simpler diffusion at a slit.
D - distance slit-screen
l - wavelength
b - slith width (all that im metres)
Y - place at the screen
y - place at the slit
R - lenght of the central path
r - length of the path at the current place in slit
s - path difference of the wave in relation to the central one
a - amplitude of the wave for summation

The program superimposes wavelets form 10 points at the slit. I used the very easy to understand geometrical method. The path difference is calculated directly. This may be lead to numerical problems because R and r are nearly equal. Therefor, I give additional the first element of y Taylor series for that. Both ways work.

English description:

requires c.basic

I plan to write a program which calculates the diffraction pattern of optical aberrations in lenses. At the first step I played around with the mathematics and physics with the much simpler diffusion at a slit.
D - distance slit-screen
l - wavelength
b - slith width (all that im metres)
Y - place at the screen
y - place at the slit
R - lenght of the central path
r - length of the path at the current place in slit
s - path difference of the wave in relation to the central one
a - amplitude of the wave for summation

The program superimposes wavelets form 10 points at the slit. I used the very easy to understand geometrical method. The path difference is calculated directly. This may be lead to numerical problems because R and r are nearly equal. Therefor, I give additional the first element of y Taylor series for that. Both ways work.

Commentaires :

Sentaro21Hors ligneMembrePoints: 880 Défis: 0 Message
Posté le 13-11-2019 à 08:41 | #
Thank you for the interesting program.
Since the index start of the matrix is zero, that setting is necessary.
'#Mat 0

{500,1}->Dim Mat L.0

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