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Utilitaires >> Classpad 300/330(+) >> Add-ins >> Filesedit
Version : 1.0 Taille : 11000 octets Ajouté le : 2005-10-02 18:38 Modifié le : 2005-10-02 18:38
Auteur et posteur : A Rion
Planète Casio - Add-in Casio - Filesedit - A Rion - Calculatrices
Nombre de visites sur cette page : 7654
Score au progrank : 33
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Description :

With this program you can open all type of CP files (EXPR, MEM, MAT, LIST, ...) in hexa or char mode and then edit them and save them
/!\ * in char edit mode, the 0x00 bytes are changed in small triangles
* REAL, CPLX, EXPR and TREE are all shown as EXPR type files in the CP files explorer (but the one that is use by the CP is TREE)
* PRGM, EXE and TEXT files are all PRGM files but they change with the 8 firsts bytes (2 x int)
* A CP file always has a size of 4*n bytes

I made this program because I want to create an add-in that can make PRGM files with EXE files...and then I had to find how work the EXE files. With that I found all codes of the CP commands and then new fonctions ( element() (that I haven't yet understood), insert(), completeSqr(), conicsForm()), command (Receive, Send, CheckNaturalNum), variable systems (randResult, Seed,...) but also other things that I can't understand (select, move, cursor)

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