Suggestions, remarques et améliorations pour Planète Casio
Posté le 19/01/2009 10:55
Postez ici vos remarques et suggestions pour améliorer le site, nous en tiendrons compte et répondrons le plus rapidement possible.
La structure et la base de données du site étant très vieille (environ 10 ans), un travail important est en cours afin de les optimiser et les rendre plus souples. Actuellement, le résultat n'est pas visible pour les visiteurs et les membres, mais le code est en constante évolution. C'est un travail fastidieux, mais nécessaire dans l'intérêt de la communauté.
Avec l'upgrade du serveur, nous avons désormais plus de marges de manœuvre pour les projets. C'est une bonne nouvelle !
Liste des améliorations prévues
sans donner de date (en fonction du temps et de la difficulté des développeurs)
- Optimisations du code
(en cours)
- Amélioration du menu principale, en entête
Banque de sprites (fait - merci Lephenixnoir)
- Système de skins
- Ouverture à la programmation Arduino, en lien avec les calculatrices Casio
Nous sommes ouverts à toutes les idées d'améliorations. Mais n'oubliez pas, le site est géré bénévolement, sans contre-partie financière (ce qui permet de limiter la pub pour l'instant). Ainsi, des impératifs personnels et/ou professionnels peuvent ralentir l'avancement d'une mise à jour.
Liste des propositions et assimilées systématiquement refusées (avec explications):
Rendre le chat accessible à tout le monde et/ou aux nouveaux inscrits :
Actuellement, il faut être connecté(e) et avoir plus de 30 points pour voir et écrire dans le chat. On évite ainsi que les nouveaux posent les questions sur le chat et l'encombrent. De plus, une question posée sur le chat est éphémère, en général, au bout de quelques heures, elle disparait avec sa réponse. Il y a de fortes chances que d'autres personnes rencontre la même difficulté. En la posant sur le forum, les messages sont visibles par tous pendant longtemps. Tout le monde est content : la communauté qui peut discuter tranquillement et les visiteurs qui trouvent rapidement une réponse (je rajoute aussi que c'est bon pour notre référencement !).
Envoyer des pièces-jointes via MP (messagerie privée):
Cette proposition est surtout demandée dans le cadre d'un projet/échange entre plusieurs personnes. Cependant, on n'est pas un hébergeur de fichiers et on a théoriquement aucun contrôle sur le contenu (on pourrait, mais on devra fouiller directement le ftp et ce n'est pas pratique pour nous, administrateurs). On ne peut donc pas s'assurer de la légalité et/ou de l'inoffensivité ( = virus...) des fichiers échangés. De plus, si une personne cherche à saturer la mémoire du serveur, on ne le verra pas. N'hésitez pas à vous tourner vers des outils en ligne comme
bitbucket ou
gitorious (projets collaboratifs),
google docs (partage de codes, textes) ou
partage-facile (fichiers)
Supprimer ses propres programmes / fichiers :
Les auteurs ne peuvent pas supprimer l'un de leurs programmes ou fichiers, afin d'éviter que dans un geste de colère, ou pour toute autre raison, la personne supprime tous ses programmes, notamment quand ils sont de qualité. Il est toujours possible de demander à un administrateur de supprimer l'un de vos programmes ou un fichier en trop.
Foire aux Questions
Pourquoi vous mettez autant de temps pour ajouter une nouvelle fonctionnalité ou la mettre à jour ?
Tous les membres de l'équipe sont des bénévoles et ne reçoivent aucune rémunération. Ainsi, nous avons des obligations personnelles et professionnelles, et nous devons parfois nous absenter temporairement. Néanmoins, sachez que accordons beaucoup d'importance aux suggestions et remarques dont vous nous faites part et avons plaisir à améliorer le site.
Comment pourrais-je intégrer l'équipe ?
Vous estimez avoir des qualités particulières et avez envie de participer à l'aventure ? Nous accueillons avec joie des nouvelles recrues désireuses de construire et de développer Planète Casio. Actuellement, nous recherchons surtout des youtuber pour notre
webtv. Si un des postes vous motive, contactez un administrateur via la messagerie privée qui transmettra votre candidature à l'équipe. Si vous postulez au poste de rédacteur-trice,
incluez dans votre candidature un article qui pourrait être affiché en page d'accueil traitant du monde des calculatrices (de préférence Casio).
En bonus : une sorte d'autocompletion des pseudos sur la shout. La syntaxe pour ajouter des pseudos customs me paraît assez claire comme ça.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Shoutbox pseudo minifier
// @namespace planetcasio
// @description Remplace les diminutifs des pseudos des membres usels par leurs vrais pseudos.
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @author Dark Storm, Lephenixnoir, Julese50
// ==/UserScript==
replacements = [
["Breizh_craft", ["breizh", "bzh"]],
["Cakeisalie5", ["cake"]],
["CalcLoverHK", ["calc"]],
["Dark Storm", ["ds", "darks"]],
["Darkysun", ["darky"]],
["Eltoredo", ["elto"]],
["FlamingKite", ["fk"]],
["Intelligide", ["intel", "intl"]],
["Julese50", ["jules"]],
["Legolas", ["lego"]],
["Lephenixnoir", ["lephe", "lephenix"]],
["Louloux", ["llx"]],
["Mgl64200", ["mgl"]],
["Nemhardy", ["nemh", "nem"]],
["Ne0tux", ["neo", "ne0"]],
["Ninestars", ["9\\*", "nine"]],
["Smashmaster", ["smash"]],
["Shadow15510", ["shadow"]],
["Suruq Game", ["suruq"]],
["Totoyo", ["yo"]],
["Xavier59", ["xav", "xavier"]],
["Xxdarkxx_64", ["xmachin", "xtruc", "xbidule", "xdark", "darkx"]],
["Zezombye", ["zz"]]
sb = document.querySelector('#shoutbox');
sbForm = document.querySelector('#shoutbox .input-group');
sbMessage = document.querySelector('#shoutbox input[type="text"]');
sbBtn = document.querySelector('#shoutbox .btn-send');
function check_pseudo() {
o_text = sbMessage.value;
n_text = o_text;
for(i = 0; i < replacements.length; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < replacements[i][1].length; j++) {
var regex = new RegExp('\\B@' + replacements[i][1][j] + '\\b', 'gi');
n_text = n_text.replace(regex, '@' + replacements[i][0]);
sbMessage.value = n_text;
/* Submit button pressed */
sbBtn.addEventListener('click', check_pseudo, true);
/* Other submit methods */
sbForm.addEventListener('submit', check_pseudo, false);
/* Enter key */
sbMessage.addEventListener('keypress', function(e) {
var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which);
if(code == 13) {
return false;
Dernière mise à jour : 25/06/2014 (Dark Storm)
Citer : Posté le 05/07/2021 09:49 | #
Ouais il y a longtemps quasiment tous les liens ouvraient dans des nouveaux onglets. On a fini par le désactiver pour les exactes même raisons. Mais sur la shoutbox tout le monde voulait garder les nouveaux onglets donc on les a laissés.
Si tu veux les nouveautés tu peux utiliser ta boîte de réception (lien en haut à droite de l'en-tête) qui te donne des liens classiques.
Citer : Posté le 05/07/2021 09:55 | #
Merci pour vos explications, c'est sympa de m'avoir répondu.
La shoutbox c'est une sorte de chat en plus d'afficher les nouveaux messages je suppose
Citer : Posté le 05/07/2021 09:59 | #
La shoutbox est bien un espace chat, nous sommes très actifs dessus
Si tu veux y accéder il te faut 30 points, que tu peux obtenir en postant quelque chose dans ce topic : Présentation
Puis après tu peux cliquer sur #hs ou directement sur ce lien : shoutbox
(Et de toute façon, vous pouvez pas dire le contraire)
RDM Calculs
Back Mirror
A Switch To The Top C
Citer : Posté le 05/07/2021 10:10 | #
Merci pour les explications et le lien.
comme je suis assez bavard
Citer : Posté le 10/09/2021 22:25 | #
Le design déc*nne (un peu) sur cette page
Vitesse des fonctions en Basic Casio | 7 days CPC | Casio Universal Wiki | Tutoriel Basic Casio
>>> Give me a click Brother
>>> Random Youtube Video
Citer : Posté le 10/09/2021 22:28 | #
Oh ! Un problème similaire avait été rapporté ailleurs, mais je n'avais jamais pu le reproduire. Là je peux, peut-être que je vais trouver...
Citer : Posté le 11/09/2021 10:53 | #
Une idée : Quand on va sur les autres pages des commentaires, le design fonctionne correctement.
Sur la page 1, la balise [ code ] est utilisée. J'ai testé en ajoutant une balise code sur la page 4 et le design a été perturbée. En supprimant mon message, c'est redevenu normal. Je pense qu'on tient notre coupable
Vitesse des fonctions en Basic Casio | 7 days CPC | Casio Universal Wiki | Tutoriel Basic Casio
>>> Give me a click Brother
>>> Random Youtube Video
Citer : Posté le 11/09/2021 11:02 | #
Oui donc le problème c'est que le bloc de commentaires est une table, et la balise code force une telle largeur pour la colonne des contenus que les colonnes qui contiennent les bordures se retrouvent avec une largeur de 0.
Je pourrai me débarrasser entièrement des veilles tables, je ferai ça un peu plus tard.
Ajouté le 21/10/2021 à 15:14 :
J'ai corrigé ce problème d'une façon bourrine. Il ne devrait plus se produire sur aucune page
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 15:44 | #
La balise vidéo fonctionne mal sur cette page :
Vitesse des fonctions en Basic Casio | 7 days CPC | Casio Universal Wiki | Tutoriel Basic Casio
>>> Give me a click Brother
>>> Random Youtube Video
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 15:52 | #
Si tu ouvres avec [video tiny] faut fermer avec [/video tiny]. Le parser de Cake est comme ça (et il a bien raison). Wth cette syntaxe aussi... [video=tiny] ç'aurait été tellement plus simple.
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 17:14 | #
Je ne peux pas éditer les articles dans Actualités
Vitesse des fonctions en Basic Casio | 7 days CPC | Casio Universal Wiki | Tutoriel Basic Casio
>>> Give me a click Brother
>>> Random Youtube Video
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 17:16 | #
Tu n'as plus les droits visiblement. Cela dit si tu veux reprendre du service ce serait avec plaisir on manque un peu de main d'oeuvre :3
Plus sérieusement c'est des articles récents que tu veux modifier ou simplement des sujets plus vieux ?
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 17:41 | #
D'après ton précédent message, la balise fermante était incorrecte et je voulais corriger l'article.
Pas grave, ce n'est pas très important
Vitesse des fonctions en Basic Casio | 7 days CPC | Casio Universal Wiki | Tutoriel Basic Casio
>>> Give me a click Brother
>>> Random Youtube Video
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 17:42 | #
Ah ok ! Je l'avais modifié déjà
Citer : Posté le 21/11/2021 20:50 | #
Merci !
Vitesse des fonctions en Basic Casio | 7 days CPC | Casio Universal Wiki | Tutoriel Basic Casio
>>> Give me a click Brother
>>> Random Youtube Video
Citer : Posté le 11/02/2022 10:20 | #
Bonus n°2 : l’auto-remplacement des emojis dans la shout
Idem que pour l’autre, créez un nouveau user-script et collez ça dedans
// @name Shoutbox emojis as shortcodes
// @namespace planetcasio
// @description Replace emoji shortcodes with corresponding UTF-8 emojis
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @author Dark Storm
// ==/UserScript==
// Generated from:
emojis = {
":100:": "💯",
":1234:": "🔢",
":+1:": "👍",
":-1:": "👎",
":1st_place_medal:": "🥇",
":2nd_place_medal:": "🥈",
":3rd_place_medal:": "🥉",
":8ball:": "🎱",
":a:": "🅰",
":ab:": "🆎",
":abacus:": "🧮",
":abc:": "🔤",
":abcd:": "🔡",
":accept:": "🉑",
":accordion:": "🪗",
":adhesive_bandage:": "🩹",
":adult:": "🧑",
":aerial_tramway:": "🚡",
":afghanistan:": "🇦🇫",
":airplane:": "✈",
":aland_islands:": "🇦🇽",
":alarm_clock:": "⏰",
":albania:": "🇦🇱",
":alembic:": "⚗",
":algeria:": "🇩🇿",
":alien:": "👽",
":ambulance:": "🚑",
":american_samoa:": "🇦🇸",
":amphora:": "🏺",
":anatomical_heart:": "🫀",
":anchor:": "⚓",
":andorra:": "🇦🇩",
":angel:": "👼",
":anger:": "💢",
":angola:": "🇦🇴",
":angry:": "😠",
":anguilla:": "🇦🇮",
":anguished:": "😧",
":ant:": "🐜",
":antarctica:": "🇦🇶",
":antigua_barbuda:": "🇦🇬",
":apple:": "🍎",
":aquarius:": "♒",
":argentina:": "🇦🇷",
":aries:": "♈",
":armenia:": "🇦🇲",
":arrow_backward:": "◀",
":arrow_double_down:": "⏬",
":arrow_double_up:": "⏫",
":arrow_down:": "⬇",
":arrow_down_small:": "🔽",
":arrow_forward:": "▶",
":arrow_heading_down:": "⤵",
":arrow_heading_up:": "⤴",
":arrow_left:": "⬅",
":arrow_lower_left:": "↙",
":arrow_lower_right:": "↘",
":arrow_right:": "➡",
":arrow_right_hook:": "↪",
":arrow_up:": "⬆",
":arrow_up_down:": "↕",
":arrow_up_small:": "🔼",
":arrow_upper_left:": "↖",
":arrow_upper_right:": "↗",
":arrows_clockwise:": "🔃",
":arrows_counterclockwise:": "🔄",
":art:": "🎨",
":articulated_lorry:": "🚛",
":artificial_satellite:": "🛰",
":artist:": "🧑🎨",
":aruba:": "🇦🇼",
":ascension_island:": "🇦🇨",
":asterisk:": "*⃣",
":astonished:": "😲",
":astronaut:": "🧑🚀",
":athletic_shoe:": "👟",
":atm:": "🏧",
":atom_symbol:": "⚛",
":australia:": "🇦🇺",
":austria:": "🇦🇹",
":auto_rickshaw:": "🛺",
":avocado:": "🥑",
":axe:": "🪓",
":azerbaijan:": "🇦🇿",
":b:": "🅱",
":baby:": "👶",
":baby_bottle:": "🍼",
":baby_chick:": "🐤",
":baby_symbol:": "🚼",
":back:": "🔙",
":bacon:": "🥓",
":badger:": "🦡",
":badminton:": "🏸",
":bagel:": "🥯",
":baggage_claim:": "🛄",
":baguette_bread:": "🥖",
":bahamas:": "🇧🇸",
":bahrain:": "🇧🇭",
":balance_scale:": "⚖",
":bald_man:": "👨🦲",
":bald_woman:": "👩🦲",
":ballet_shoes:": "🩰",
":balloon:": "🎈",
":ballot_box:": "🗳",
":ballot_box_with_check:": "☑",
":bamboo:": "🎍",
":banana:": "🍌",
":bangbang:": "‼",
":bangladesh:": "🇧🇩",
":banjo:": "🪕",
":bank:": "🏦",
":bar_chart:": "📊",
":barbados:": "🇧🇧",
":barber:": "💈",
":baseball:": "⚾",
":basket:": "🧺",
":basketball:": "🏀",
":basketball_man:": "⛹♂",
":basketball_woman:": "⛹♀",
":bat:": "🦇",
":bath:": "🛀",
":bathtub:": "🛁",
":battery:": "🔋",
":beach_umbrella:": "🏖",
":bear:": "🐻",
":bearded_person:": "🧔",
":beaver:": "🦫",
":bed:": "🛏",
":bee:": "🐝",
":beer:": "🍺",
":beers:": "🍻",
":beetle:": "🪲",
":beginner:": "🔰",
":belarus:": "🇧🇾",
":belgium:": "🇧🇪",
":belize:": "🇧🇿",
":bell:": "🔔",
":bell_pepper:": "🫑",
":bellhop_bell:": "🛎",
":benin:": "🇧🇯",
":bento:": "🍱",
":bermuda:": "🇧🇲",
":beverage_box:": "🧃",
":bhutan:": "🇧🇹",
":bicyclist:": "🚴",
":bike:": "🚲",
":biking_man:": "🚴♂",
":biking_woman:": "🚴♀",
":bikini:": "👙",
":billed_cap:": "🧢",
":biohazard:": "☣",
":bird:": "🐦",
":birthday:": "🎂",
":bison:": "🦬",
":black_cat:": "🐈⬛",
":black_circle:": "⚫",
":black_flag:": "🏴",
":black_heart:": "🖤",
":black_joker:": "🃏",
":black_large_square:": "⬛",
":black_medium_small_square:": "◾",
":black_medium_square:": "◼",
":black_nib:": "✒",
":black_small_square:": "▪",
":black_square_button:": "🔲",
":blond_haired_man:": "👱♂",
":blond_haired_person:": "👱",
":blond_haired_woman:": "👱♀",
":blonde_woman:": "👱♀",
":blossom:": "🌼",
":blowfish:": "🐡",
":blue_book:": "📘",
":blue_car:": "🚙",
":blue_heart:": "💙",
":blue_square:": "🟦",
":blueberries:": "🫐",
":blush:": "😊",
":boar:": "🐗",
":boat:": "⛵",
":bolivia:": "🇧🇴",
":bomb:": "💣",
":bone:": "🦴",
":book:": "📖",
":bookmark:": "🔖",
":bookmark_tabs:": "📑",
":books:": "📚",
":boom:": "💥",
":boomerang:": "🪃",
":boot:": "👢",
":bosnia_herzegovina:": "🇧🇦",
":botswana:": "🇧🇼",
":bouncing_ball_man:": "⛹♂",
":bouncing_ball_person:": "⛹",
":bouncing_ball_woman:": "⛹♀",
":bouquet:": "💐",
":bouvet_island:": "🇧🇻",
":bow:": "🙇",
":bow_and_arrow:": "🏹",
":bowing_man:": "🙇♂",
":bowing_woman:": "🙇♀",
":bowl_with_spoon:": "🥣",
":bowling:": "🎳",
":boxing_glove:": "🥊",
":boy:": "👦",
":brain:": "🧠",
":brazil:": "🇧🇷",
":bread:": "🍞",
":breast_feeding:": "🤱",
":bricks:": "🧱",
":bride_with_veil:": "👰♀",
":bridge_at_night:": "🌉",
":briefcase:": "💼",
":british_indian_ocean_territory:": "🇮🇴",
":british_virgin_islands:": "🇻🇬",
":broccoli:": "🥦",
":broken_heart:": "💔",
":broom:": "🧹",
":brown_circle:": "🟤",
":brown_heart:": "🤎",
":brown_square:": "🟫",
":brunei:": "🇧🇳",
":bubble_tea:": "🧋",
":bucket:": "🪣",
":bug:": "🐛",
":building_construction:": "🏗",
":bulb:": "💡",
":bulgaria:": "🇧🇬",
":bullettrain_front:": "🚅",
":bullettrain_side:": "🚄",
":burkina_faso:": "🇧🇫",
":burrito:": "🌯",
":burundi:": "🇧🇮",
":bus:": "🚌",
":business_suit_levitating:": "🕴",
":busstop:": "🚏",
":bust_in_silhouette:": "👤",
":busts_in_silhouette:": "👥",
":butter:": "🧈",
":butterfly:": "🦋",
":cactus:": "🌵",
":cake:": "🍰",
":calendar:": "📆",
":call_me_hand:": "🤙",
":calling:": "📲",
":cambodia:": "🇰🇭",
":camel:": "🐫",
":camera:": "📷",
":camera_flash:": "📸",
":cameroon:": "🇨🇲",
":camping:": "🏕",
":canada:": "🇨🇦",
":canary_islands:": "🇮🇨",
":cancer:": "♋",
":candle:": "🕯",
":candy:": "🍬",
":canned_food:": "🥫",
":canoe:": "🛶",
":cape_verde:": "🇨🇻",
":capital_abcd:": "🔠",
":capricorn:": "♑",
":car:": "🚗",
":card_file_box:": "🗃",
":card_index:": "📇",
":card_index_dividers:": "🗂",
":caribbean_netherlands:": "🇧🇶",
":carousel_horse:": "🎠",
":carpentry_saw:": "🪚",
":carrot:": "🥕",
":cartwheeling:": "🤸",
":cat:": "🐱",
":cat2:": "🐈",
":cayman_islands:": "🇰🇾",
":cd:": "💿",
":central_african_republic:": "🇨🇫",
":ceuta_melilla:": "🇪🇦",
":chad:": "🇹🇩",
":chains:": "⛓",
":chair:": "🪑",
":champagne:": "🍾",
":chart:": "💹",
":chart_with_downwards_trend:": "📉",
":chart_with_upwards_trend:": "📈",
":checkered_flag:": "🏁",
":cheese:": "🧀",
":cherries:": "🍒",
":cherry_blossom:": "🌸",
":chess_pawn:": "♟",
":chestnut:": "🌰",
":chicken:": "🐔",
":child:": "🧒",
":children_crossing:": "🚸",
":chile:": "🇨🇱",
":chipmunk:": "🐿",
":chocolate_bar:": "🍫",
":chopsticks:": "🥢",
":christmas_island:": "🇨🇽",
":christmas_tree:": "🎄",
":church:": "⛪",
":cinema:": "🎦",
":circus_tent:": "🎪",
":city_sunrise:": "🌇",
":city_sunset:": "🌆",
":cityscape:": "🏙",
":cl:": "🆑",
":clamp:": "🗜",
":clap:": "👏",
":clapper:": "🎬",
":classical_building:": "🏛",
":climbing:": "🧗",
":climbing_man:": "🧗♂",
":climbing_woman:": "🧗♀",
":clinking_glasses:": "🥂",
":clipboard:": "📋",
":clipperton_island:": "🇨🇵",
":clock1:": "🕐",
":clock10:": "🕙",
":clock1030:": "🕥",
":clock11:": "🕚",
":clock1130:": "🕦",
":clock12:": "🕛",
":clock1230:": "🕧",
":clock130:": "🕜",
":clock2:": "🕑",
":clock230:": "🕝",
":clock3:": "🕒",
":clock330:": "🕞",
":clock4:": "🕓",
":clock430:": "🕟",
":clock5:": "🕔",
":clock530:": "🕠",
":clock6:": "🕕",
":clock630:": "🕡",
":clock7:": "🕖",
":clock730:": "🕢",
":clock8:": "🕗",
":clock830:": "🕣",
":clock9:": "🕘",
":clock930:": "🕤",
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":cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:": "⛈",
":cloud_with_rain:": "🌧",
":cloud_with_snow:": "🌨",
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":cocktail:": "🍸",
":coconut:": "🥥",
":cocos_islands:": "🇨🇨",
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":cold_sweat:": "😰",
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":colombia:": "🇨🇴",
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":comoros:": "🇰🇲",
":compass:": "🧭",
":computer:": "💻",
":computer_mouse:": "🖱",
":confetti_ball:": "🎊",
":confounded:": "😖",
":confused:": "😕",
":congo_brazzaville:": "🇨🇬",
":congo_kinshasa:": "🇨🇩",
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":construction_worker_woman:": "👷♀",
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":convenience_store:": "🏪",
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":cool:": "🆒",
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":cote_divoire:": "🇨🇮",
":couch_and_lamp:": "🛋",
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":couple_with_heart_man_man:": "👨❤👨",
":couple_with_heart_woman_man:": "👩❤👨",
":couple_with_heart_woman_woman:": "👩❤👩",
":couplekiss:": "💏",
":couplekiss_man_man:": "👨❤💋👨",
":couplekiss_man_woman:": "👩❤💋👨",
":couplekiss_woman_woman:": "👩❤💋👩",
":cow:": "🐮",
":cow2:": "🐄",
":cowboy_hat_face:": "🤠",
":crab:": "🦀",
":crayon:": "🖍",
":credit_card:": "💳",
":crescent_moon:": "🌙",
":cricket:": "🦗",
":cricket_game:": "🏏",
":croatia:": "🇭🇷",
":crocodile:": "🐊",
":croissant:": "🥐",
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":crossed_swords:": "⚔",
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":crying_cat_face:": "😿",
":crystal_ball:": "🔮",
":cuba:": "🇨🇺",
":cucumber:": "🥒",
":cup_with_straw:": "🥤",
":cupcake:": "🧁",
":cupid:": "💘",
":curacao:": "🇨🇼",
":curling_stone:": "🥌",
":curly_haired_man:": "👨🦱",
":curly_haired_woman:": "👩🦱",
":curly_loop:": "➰",
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":cursing_face:": "🤬",
":custard:": "🍮",
":customs:": "🛃",
":cut_of_meat:": "🥩",
":cyclone:": "🌀",
":cyprus:": "🇨🇾",
":czech_republic:": "🇨🇿",
":dagger:": "🗡",
":dancer:": "💃",
":dancers:": "👯",
":dancing_men:": "👯♂",
":dancing_women:": "👯♀",
":dango:": "🍡",
":dark_sunglasses:": "🕶",
":dart:": "🎯",
":dash:": "💨",
":date:": "📅",
":de:": "🇩🇪",
":deaf_man:": "🧏♂",
":deaf_person:": "🧏",
":deaf_woman:": "🧏♀",
":deciduous_tree:": "🌳",
":deer:": "🦌",
":denmark:": "🇩🇰",
":department_store:": "🏬",
":derelict_house:": "🏚",
":desert:": "🏜",
":desert_island:": "🏝",
":desktop_computer:": "🖥",
":detective:": "🕵",
":diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:": "💠",
":diamonds:": "♦",
":diego_garcia:": "🇩🇬",
":disappointed:": "😞",
":disappointed_relieved:": "😥",
":disguised_face:": "🥸",
":diving_mask:": "🤿",
":diya_lamp:": "🪔",
":dizzy:": "💫",
":dizzy_face:": "😵",
":djibouti:": "🇩🇯",
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":do_not_litter:": "🚯",
":dodo:": "🦤",
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":dog2:": "🐕",
":dollar:": "💵",
":dolls:": "🎎",
":dolphin:": "🐬",
":dominica:": "🇩🇲",
":dominican_republic:": "🇩🇴",
":door:": "🚪",
":doughnut:": "🍩",
":dove:": "🕊",
":dragon:": "🐉",
":dragon_face:": "🐲",
":dress:": "👗",
":dromedary_camel:": "🐪",
":drooling_face:": "🤤",
":drop_of_blood:": "🩸",
":droplet:": "💧",
":drum:": "🥁",
":duck:": "🦆",
":dumpling:": "🥟",
":dvd:": "📀",
":e-mail:": "📧",
":eagle:": "🦅",
":ear:": "👂",
":ear_of_rice:": "🌾",
":ear_with_hearing_aid:": "🦻",
":earth_africa:": "🌍",
":earth_americas:": "🌎",
":earth_asia:": "🌏",
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":eggplant:": "🍆",
":egypt:": "🇪🇬",
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":eight_spoked_asterisk:": "✳",
":eject_button:": "⏏",
":el_salvador:": "🇸🇻",
":electric_plug:": "🔌",
":elephant:": "🐘",
":elevator:": "🛗",
":elf:": "🧝",
":elf_man:": "🧝♂",
":elf_woman:": "🧝♀",
":email:": "📧",
":end:": "🔚",
":england:": "🏴",
":envelope:": "✉",
":envelope_with_arrow:": "📩",
":equatorial_guinea:": "🇬🇶",
":eritrea:": "🇪🇷",
":es:": "🇪🇸",
":estonia:": "🇪🇪",
":ethiopia:": "🇪🇹",
":eu:": "🇪🇺",
":euro:": "💶",
":european_castle:": "🏰",
":european_post_office:": "🏤",
":european_union:": "🇪🇺",
":evergreen_tree:": "🌲",
":exclamation:": "❗",
":exploding_head:": "🤯",
":expressionless:": "😑",
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":eye_speech_bubble:": "👁🗨",
":eyeglasses:": "👓",
":eyes:": "👀",
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":face_in_clouds:": "😶🌫",
":face_with_head_bandage:": "🤕",
":face_with_spiral_eyes:": "😵💫",
":face_with_thermometer:": "🤒",
":facepalm:": "🤦",
":facepunch:": "👊",
":factory:": "🏭",
":factory_worker:": "🧑🏭",
":fairy:": "🧚",
":fairy_man:": "🧚♂",
":fairy_woman:": "🧚♀",
":falafel:": "🧆",
":falkland_islands:": "🇫🇰",
":fallen_leaf:": "🍂",
":family:": "👪",
":family_man_boy:": "👨👦",
":family_man_boy_boy:": "👨👦👦",
":family_man_girl:": "👨👧",
":family_man_girl_boy:": "👨👧👦",
":family_man_girl_girl:": "👨👧👧",
":family_man_man_boy:": "👨👨👦",
":family_man_man_boy_boy:": "👨👨👦👦",
":family_man_man_girl:": "👨👨👧",
":family_man_man_girl_boy:": "👨👨👧👦",
":family_man_man_girl_girl:": "👨👨👧👧",
":family_man_woman_boy:": "👨👩👦",
":family_man_woman_boy_boy:": "👨👩👦👦",
":family_man_woman_girl:": "👨👩👧",
":family_man_woman_girl_boy:": "👨👩👧👦",
":family_man_woman_girl_girl:": "👨👩👧👧",
":family_woman_boy:": "👩👦",
":family_woman_boy_boy:": "👩👦👦",
":family_woman_girl:": "👩👧",
":family_woman_girl_boy:": "👩👧👦",
":family_woman_girl_girl:": "👩👧👧",
":family_woman_woman_boy:": "👩👩👦",
":family_woman_woman_boy_boy:": "👩👩👦👦",
":family_woman_woman_girl:": "👩👩👧",
":family_woman_woman_girl_boy:": "👩👩👧👦",
":family_woman_woman_girl_girl:": "👩👩👧👧",
":farmer:": "🧑🌾",
":faroe_islands:": "🇫🇴",
":fast_forward:": "⏩",
":fax:": "📠",
":fearful:": "😨",
":feather:": "🪶",
":feet:": "🐾",
":female_detective:": "🕵♀",
":female_sign:": "♀",
":ferris_wheel:": "🎡",
":ferry:": "⛴",
":field_hockey:": "🏑",
":fiji:": "🇫🇯",
":file_cabinet:": "🗄",
":file_folder:": "📁",
":film_projector:": "📽",
":film_strip:": "🎞",
":finland:": "🇫🇮",
":fire:": "🔥",
":fire_engine:": "🚒",
":fire_extinguisher:": "🧯",
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":firefighter:": "🧑🚒",
":fireworks:": "🎆",
":first_quarter_moon:": "🌓",
":first_quarter_moon_with_face:": "🌛",
":fish:": "🐟",
":fish_cake:": "🍥",
":fishing_pole_and_fish:": "🎣",
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":fist_left:": "🤛",
":fist_oncoming:": "👊",
":fist_raised:": "✊",
":fist_right:": "🤜",
":five:": "5⃣",
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":flamingo:": "🦩",
":flashlight:": "🔦",
":flat_shoe:": "🥿",
":flatbread:": "🫓",
":fleur_de_lis:": "⚜",
":flight_arrival:": "🛬",
":flight_departure:": "🛫",
":flipper:": "🐬",
":floppy_disk:": "💾",
":flower_playing_cards:": "🎴",
":flushed:": "😳",
":fly:": "🪰",
":flying_disc:": "🥏",
":flying_saucer:": "🛸",
":fog:": "🌫",
":foggy:": "🌁",
":fondue:": "🫕",
":foot:": "🦶",
":football:": "🏈",
":footprints:": "👣",
":fork_and_knife:": "🍴",
":fortune_cookie:": "🥠",
":fountain:": "⛲",
":fountain_pen:": "🖋",
":four:": "4⃣",
":four_leaf_clover:": "🍀",
":fox_face:": "🦊",
":fr:": "🇫🇷",
":framed_picture:": "🖼",
":free:": "🆓",
":french_guiana:": "🇬🇫",
":french_polynesia:": "🇵🇫",
":french_southern_territories:": "🇹🇫",
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":fried_shrimp:": "🍤",
":fries:": "🍟",
":frog:": "🐸",
":frowning:": "😦",
":frowning_face:": "☹",
":frowning_man:": "🙍♂",
":frowning_person:": "🙍",
":frowning_woman:": "🙍♀",
":fu:": "🖕",
":fuelpump:": "⛽",
":full_moon:": "🌕",
":full_moon_with_face:": "🌝",
":funeral_urn:": "⚱",
":gabon:": "🇬🇦",
":gambia:": "🇬🇲",
":game_die:": "🎲",
":garlic:": "🧄",
":gb:": "🇬🇧",
":gear:": "⚙",
":gem:": "💎",
":gemini:": "♊",
":genie:": "🧞",
":genie_man:": "🧞♂",
":genie_woman:": "🧞♀",
":georgia:": "🇬🇪",
":ghana:": "🇬🇭",
":ghost:": "👻",
":gibraltar:": "🇬🇮",
":gift:": "🎁",
":gift_heart:": "💝",
":giraffe:": "🦒",
":girl:": "👧",
":globe_with_meridians:": "🌐",
":gloves:": "🧤",
":goal_net:": "🥅",
":goat:": "🐐",
":goggles:": "🥽",
":golf:": "⛳",
":golfing:": "🏌",
":golfing_man:": "🏌♂",
":golfing_woman:": "🏌♀",
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":grapes:": "🍇",
":greece:": "🇬🇷",
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":green_book:": "📗",
":green_circle:": "🟢",
":green_heart:": "💚",
":green_salad:": "🥗",
":green_square:": "🟩",
":greenland:": "🇬🇱",
":grenada:": "🇬🇩",
":grey_exclamation:": "❕",
":grey_question:": "❔",
":grimacing:": "😬",
":grin:": "😁",
":grinning:": "😀",
":guadeloupe:": "🇬🇵",
":guam:": "🇬🇺",
":guard:": "💂",
":guardsman:": "💂♂",
":guardswoman:": "💂♀",
":guatemala:": "🇬🇹",
":guernsey:": "🇬🇬",
":guide_dog:": "🦮",
":guinea:": "🇬🇳",
":guinea_bissau:": "🇬🇼",
":guitar:": "🎸",
":gun:": "🔫",
":guyana:": "🇬🇾",
":haircut:": "💇",
":haircut_man:": "💇♂",
":haircut_woman:": "💇♀",
":haiti:": "🇭🇹",
":hamburger:": "🍔",
":hammer:": "🔨",
":hammer_and_pick:": "⚒",
":hammer_and_wrench:": "🛠",
":hamster:": "🐹",
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":handball_person:": "🤾",
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":hankey:": "💩",
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":hatched_chick:": "🐥",
":hatching_chick:": "🐣",
":headphones:": "🎧",
":headstone:": "🪦",
":health_worker:": "🧑⚕",
":hear_no_evil:": "🙉",
":heard_mcdonald_islands:": "🇭🇲",
":heart:": "❤",
":heart_decoration:": "💟",
":heart_eyes:": "😍",
":heart_eyes_cat:": "😻",
":heart_on_fire:": "❤🔥",
":heartbeat:": "💓",
":heartpulse:": "💗",
":hearts:": "♥",
":heavy_check_mark:": "✔",
":heavy_division_sign:": "➗",
":heavy_dollar_sign:": "💲",
":heavy_exclamation_mark:": "❗",
":heavy_heart_exclamation:": "❣",
":heavy_minus_sign:": "➖",
":heavy_multiplication_x:": "✖",
":heavy_plus_sign:": "➕",
":hedgehog:": "🦔",
":helicopter:": "🚁",
":herb:": "🌿",
":hibiscus:": "🌺",
":high_brightness:": "🔆",
":high_heel:": "👠",
":hiking_boot:": "🥾",
":hindu_temple:": "🛕",
":hippopotamus:": "🦛",
":hocho:": "🔪",
":hole:": "🕳",
":honduras:": "🇭🇳",
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":honeybee:": "🐝",
":hong_kong:": "🇭🇰",
":hook:": "🪝",
":horse:": "🐴",
":horse_racing:": "🏇",
":hospital:": "🏥",
":hot_face:": "🥵",
":hot_pepper:": "🌶",
":hotdog:": "🌭",
":hotel:": "🏨",
":hotsprings:": "♨",
":hourglass:": "⌛",
":hourglass_flowing_sand:": "⏳",
":house:": "🏠",
":house_with_garden:": "🏡",
":houses:": "🏘",
":hugs:": "🤗",
":hungary:": "🇭🇺",
":hushed:": "😯",
":hut:": "🛖",
":ice_cream:": "🍨",
":ice_cube:": "🧊",
":ice_hockey:": "🏒",
":ice_skate:": "⛸",
":icecream:": "🍦",
":iceland:": "🇮🇸",
":id:": "🆔",
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":imp:": "👿",
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":incoming_envelope:": "📨",
":india:": "🇮🇳",
":indonesia:": "🇮🇩",
":infinity:": "♾",
":information_desk_person:": "💁",
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":iphone:": "📱",
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":iraq:": "🇮🇶",
":ireland:": "🇮🇪",
":isle_of_man:": "🇮🇲",
":israel:": "🇮🇱",
":it:": "🇮🇹",
":izakaya_lantern:": "🏮",
":jack_o_lantern:": "🎃",
":jamaica:": "🇯🇲",
":japan:": "🗾",
":japanese_castle:": "🏯",
":japanese_goblin:": "👺",
":japanese_ogre:": "👹",
":jeans:": "👖",
":jersey:": "🇯🇪",
":jigsaw:": "🧩",
":jordan:": "🇯🇴",
":joy:": "😂",
":joy_cat:": "😹",
":joystick:": "🕹",
":jp:": "🇯🇵",
":judge:": "🧑⚖",
":juggling_person:": "🤹",
":kaaba:": "🕋",
":kangaroo:": "🦘",
":kazakhstan:": "🇰🇿",
":kenya:": "🇰🇪",
":key:": "🔑",
":keyboard:": "⌨",
":keycap_ten:": "🔟",
":kick_scooter:": "🛴",
":kimono:": "👘",
":kiribati:": "🇰🇮",
":kiss:": "💋",
":kissing:": "😗",
":kissing_cat:": "😽",
":kissing_closed_eyes:": "😚",
":kissing_heart:": "😘",
":kissing_smiling_eyes:": "😙",
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":kiwi_fruit:": "🥝",
":kneeling_man:": "🧎♂",
":kneeling_person:": "🧎",
":kneeling_woman:": "🧎♀",
":knife:": "🔪",
":knot:": "🪢",
":koala:": "🐨",
":koko:": "🈁",
":kosovo:": "🇽🇰",
":kr:": "🇰🇷",
":kuwait:": "🇰🇼",
":kyrgyzstan:": "🇰🇬",
":lab_coat:": "🥼",
":label:": "🏷",
":lacrosse:": "🥍",
":ladder:": "🪜",
":lady_beetle:": "🐞",
":lantern:": "🏮",
":laos:": "🇱🇦",
":large_blue_circle:": "🔵",
":large_blue_diamond:": "🔷",
":large_orange_diamond:": "🔶",
":last_quarter_moon:": "🌗",
":last_quarter_moon_with_face:": "🌜",
":latin_cross:": "✝",
":latvia:": "🇱🇻",
":laughing:": "😆",
":leafy_green:": "🥬",
":leaves:": "🍃",
":lebanon:": "🇱🇧",
":ledger:": "📒",
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":left_speech_bubble:": "🗨",
":leftwards_arrow_with_hook:": "↩",
":leg:": "🦵",
":lemon:": "🍋",
":leo:": "♌",
":leopard:": "🐆",
":lesotho:": "🇱🇸",
":level_slider:": "🎚",
":liberia:": "🇱🇷",
":libra:": "♎",
":libya:": "🇱🇾",
":liechtenstein:": "🇱🇮",
":light_rail:": "🚈",
":link:": "🔗",
":lion:": "🦁",
":lips:": "👄",
":lipstick:": "💄",
":lithuania:": "🇱🇹",
":lizard:": "🦎",
":llama:": "🦙",
":lobster:": "🦞",
":lock:": "🔒",
":lock_with_ink_pen:": "🔏",
":lollipop:": "🍭",
":long_drum:": "🪘",
":loop:": "➿",
":lotion_bottle:": "🧴",
":lotus_position:": "🧘",
":lotus_position_man:": "🧘♂",
":lotus_position_woman:": "🧘♀",
":loud_sound:": "🔊",
":loudspeaker:": "📢",
":love_hotel:": "🏩",
":love_letter:": "💌",
":love_you_gesture:": "🤟",
":low_brightness:": "🔅",
":luggage:": "🧳",
":lungs:": "🫁",
":luxembourg:": "🇱🇺",
":lying_face:": "🤥",
":m:": "Ⓜ",
":macau:": "🇲🇴",
":macedonia:": "🇲🇰",
":madagascar:": "🇲🇬",
":mag:": "🔍",
":mag_right:": "🔎",
":mage:": "🧙",
":mage_man:": "🧙♂",
":mage_woman:": "🧙♀",
":magic_wand:": "🪄",
":magnet:": "🧲",
":mahjong:": "🀄",
":mailbox:": "📫",
":mailbox_closed:": "📪",
":mailbox_with_mail:": "📬",
":mailbox_with_no_mail:": "📭",
":malawi:": "🇲🇼",
":malaysia:": "🇲🇾",
":maldives:": "🇲🇻",
":male_detective:": "🕵♂",
":male_sign:": "♂",
":mali:": "🇲🇱",
":malta:": "🇲🇹",
":mammoth:": "🦣",
":man:": "👨",
":man_artist:": "👨🎨",
":man_astronaut:": "👨🚀",
":man_beard:": "🧔♂",
":man_cartwheeling:": "🤸♂",
":man_cook:": "👨🍳",
":man_dancing:": "🕺",
":man_facepalming:": "🤦♂",
":man_factory_worker:": "👨🏭",
":man_farmer:": "👨🌾",
":man_feeding_baby:": "👨🍼",
":man_firefighter:": "👨🚒",
":man_health_worker:": "👨⚕",
":man_in_manual_wheelchair:": "👨🦽",
":man_in_motorized_wheelchair:": "👨🦼",
":man_in_tuxedo:": "🤵♂",
":man_judge:": "👨⚖",
":man_juggling:": "🤹♂",
":man_mechanic:": "👨🔧",
":man_office_worker:": "👨💼",
":man_pilot:": "👨✈",
":man_playing_handball:": "🤾♂",
":man_playing_water_polo:": "🤽♂",
":man_scientist:": "👨🔬",
":man_shrugging:": "🤷♂",
":man_singer:": "👨🎤",
":man_student:": "👨🎓",
":man_teacher:": "👨🏫",
":man_technologist:": "👨💻",
":man_with_gua_pi_mao:": "👲",
":man_with_probing_cane:": "👨🦯",
":man_with_turban:": "👳♂",
":man_with_veil:": "👰♂",
":mandarin:": "🍊",
":mango:": "🥭",
":mans_shoe:": "👞",
":mantelpiece_clock:": "🕰",
":manual_wheelchair:": "🦽",
":maple_leaf:": "🍁",
":marshall_islands:": "🇲🇭",
":martial_arts_uniform:": "🥋",
":martinique:": "🇲🇶",
":mask:": "😷",
":massage:": "💆",
":massage_man:": "💆♂",
":massage_woman:": "💆♀",
":mate:": "🧉",
":mauritania:": "🇲🇷",
":mauritius:": "🇲🇺",
":mayotte:": "🇾🇹",
":meat_on_bone:": "🍖",
":mechanic:": "🧑🔧",
":mechanical_arm:": "🦾",
":mechanical_leg:": "🦿",
":medal_military:": "🎖",
":medal_sports:": "🏅",
":medical_symbol:": "⚕",
":mega:": "📣",
":melon:": "🍈",
":memo:": "📝",
":men_wrestling:": "🤼♂",
":mending_heart:": "❤🩹",
":menorah:": "🕎",
":mens:": "🚹",
":mermaid:": "🧜♀",
":merman:": "🧜♂",
":merperson:": "🧜",
":metal:": "🤘",
":metro:": "🚇",
":mexico:": "🇲🇽",
":microbe:": "🦠",
":micronesia:": "🇫🇲",
":microphone:": "🎤",
":microscope:": "🔬",
":middle_finger:": "🖕",
":military_helmet:": "🪖",
":milk_glass:": "🥛",
":milky_way:": "🌌",
":minibus:": "🚐",
":minidisc:": "💽",
":mirror:": "🪞",
":mobile_phone_off:": "📴",
":moldova:": "🇲🇩",
":monaco:": "🇲🇨",
":money_mouth_face:": "🤑",
":money_with_wings:": "💸",
":moneybag:": "💰",
":mongolia:": "🇲🇳",
":monkey:": "🐒",
":monkey_face:": "🐵",
":monocle_face:": "🧐",
":monorail:": "🚝",
":montenegro:": "🇲🇪",
":montserrat:": "🇲🇸",
":moon:": "🌔",
":moon_cake:": "🥮",
":morocco:": "🇲🇦",
":mortar_board:": "🎓",
":mosque:": "🕌",
":mosquito:": "🦟",
":motor_boat:": "🛥",
":motor_scooter:": "🛵",
":motorcycle:": "🏍",
":motorized_wheelchair:": "🦼",
":motorway:": "🛣",
":mount_fuji:": "🗻",
":mountain:": "⛰",
":mountain_bicyclist:": "🚵",
":mountain_biking_man:": "🚵♂",
":mountain_biking_woman:": "🚵♀",
":mountain_cableway:": "🚠",
":mountain_railway:": "🚞",
":mountain_snow:": "🏔",
":mouse:": "🐭",
":mouse2:": "🐁",
":mouse_trap:": "🪤",
":movie_camera:": "🎥",
":moyai:": "🗿",
":mozambique:": "🇲🇿",
":mrs_claus:": "🤶",
":muscle:": "💪",
":mushroom:": "🍄",
":musical_keyboard:": "🎹",
":musical_note:": "🎵",
":musical_score:": "🎼",
":mute:": "🔇",
":mx_claus:": "🧑🎄",
":myanmar:": "🇲🇲",
":nail_care:": "💅",
":name_badge:": "📛",
":namibia:": "🇳🇦",
":national_park:": "🏞",
":nauru:": "🇳🇷",
":nauseated_face:": "🤢",
":nazar_amulet:": "🧿",
":necktie:": "👔",
":negative_squared_cross_mark:": "❎",
":nepal:": "🇳🇵",
":nerd_face:": "🤓",
":nesting_dolls:": "🪆",
":netherlands:": "🇳🇱",
":neutral_face:": "😐",
":new:": "🆕",
":new_caledonia:": "🇳🇨",
":new_moon:": "🌑",
":new_moon_with_face:": "🌚",
":new_zealand:": "🇳🇿",
":newspaper:": "📰",
":newspaper_roll:": "🗞",
":next_track_button:": "⏭",
":ng:": "🆖",
":ng_man:": "🙅♂",
":ng_woman:": "🙅♀",
":nicaragua:": "🇳🇮",
":niger:": "🇳🇪",
":nigeria:": "🇳🇬",
":night_with_stars:": "🌃",
":nine:": "9⃣",
":ninja:": "🥷",
":niue:": "🇳🇺",
":no_bell:": "🔕",
":no_bicycles:": "🚳",
":no_entry:": "⛔",
":no_entry_sign:": "🚫",
":no_good:": "🙅",
":no_good_man:": "🙅♂",
":no_good_woman:": "🙅♀",
":no_mobile_phones:": "📵",
":no_mouth:": "😶",
":no_pedestrians:": "🚷",
":no_smoking:": "🚭",
":non-potable_water:": "🚱",
":norfolk_island:": "🇳🇫",
":north_korea:": "🇰🇵",
":northern_mariana_islands:": "🇲🇵",
":norway:": "🇳🇴",
":nose:": "👃",
":notebook:": "📓",
":notebook_with_decorative_cover:": "📔",
":notes:": "🎶",
":nut_and_bolt:": "🔩",
":o:": "⭕",
":o2:": "🅾",
":ocean:": "🌊",
":octopus:": "🐙",
":oden:": "🍢",
":office:": "🏢",
":office_worker:": "🧑💼",
":oil_drum:": "🛢",
":ok:": "🆗",
":ok_hand:": "👌",
":ok_man:": "🙆♂",
":ok_person:": "🙆",
":ok_woman:": "🙆♀",
":old_key:": "🗝",
":older_adult:": "🧓",
":older_man:": "👴",
":older_woman:": "👵",
":olive:": "🫒",
":om:": "🕉",
":oman:": "🇴🇲",
":on:": "🔛",
":oncoming_automobile:": "🚘",
":oncoming_bus:": "🚍",
":oncoming_police_car:": "🚔",
":oncoming_taxi:": "🚖",
":one:": "1⃣",
":one_piece_swimsuit:": "🩱",
":onion:": "🧅",
":open_book:": "📖",
":open_file_folder:": "📂",
":open_hands:": "👐",
":open_mouth:": "😮",
":open_umbrella:": "☂",
":ophiuchus:": "⛎",
":orange:": "🍊",
":orange_book:": "📙",
":orange_circle:": "🟠",
":orange_heart:": "🧡",
":orange_square:": "🟧",
":orangutan:": "🦧",
":orthodox_cross:": "☦",
":otter:": "🦦",
":outbox_tray:": "📤",
":owl:": "🦉",
":ox:": "🐂",
":oyster:": "🦪",
":package:": "📦",
":page_facing_up:": "📄",
":page_with_curl:": "📃",
":pager:": "📟",
":paintbrush:": "🖌",
":pakistan:": "🇵🇰",
":palau:": "🇵🇼",
":palestinian_territories:": "🇵🇸",
":palm_tree:": "🌴",
":palms_up_together:": "🤲",
":panama:": "🇵🇦",
":pancakes:": "🥞",
":panda_face:": "🐼",
":paperclip:": "📎",
":paperclips:": "🖇",
":papua_new_guinea:": "🇵🇬",
":parachute:": "🪂",
":paraguay:": "🇵🇾",
":parasol_on_ground:": "⛱",
":parking:": "🅿",
":parrot:": "🦜",
":part_alternation_mark:": "〽",
":partly_sunny:": "⛅",
":partying_face:": "🥳",
":passenger_ship:": "🛳",
":passport_control:": "🛂",
":pause_button:": "⏸",
":paw_prints:": "🐾",
":peace_symbol:": "☮",
":peach:": "🍑",
":peacock:": "🦚",
":peanuts:": "🥜",
":pear:": "🍐",
":pen:": "🖊",
":pencil:": "📝",
":pencil2:": "✏",
":penguin:": "🐧",
":pensive:": "😔",
":people_holding_hands:": "🧑🤝🧑",
":people_hugging:": "🫂",
":performing_arts:": "🎭",
":persevere:": "😣",
":person_bald:": "🧑🦲",
":person_curly_hair:": "🧑🦱",
":person_feeding_baby:": "🧑🍼",
":person_fencing:": "🤺",
":person_in_manual_wheelchair:": "🧑🦽",
":person_in_motorized_wheelchair:": "🧑🦼",
":person_in_tuxedo:": "🤵",
":person_red_hair:": "🧑🦰",
":person_white_hair:": "🧑🦳",
":person_with_probing_cane:": "🧑🦯",
":person_with_turban:": "👳",
":person_with_veil:": "👰",
":peru:": "🇵🇪",
":petri_dish:": "🧫",
":philippines:": "🇵🇭",
":phone:": "☎",
":pick:": "⛏",
":pickup_truck:": "🛻",
":pie:": "🥧",
":pig:": "🐷",
":pig2:": "🐖",
":pig_nose:": "🐽",
":pill:": "💊",
":pilot:": "🧑✈",
":pinata:": "🪅",
":pinched_fingers:": "🤌",
":pinching_hand:": "🤏",
":pineapple:": "🍍",
":ping_pong:": "🏓",
":pirate_flag:": "🏴☠",
":pisces:": "♓",
":pitcairn_islands:": "🇵🇳",
":pizza:": "🍕",
":placard:": "🪧",
":place_of_worship:": "🛐",
":plate_with_cutlery:": "🍽",
":play_or_pause_button:": "⏯",
":pleading_face:": "🥺",
":plunger:": "🪠",
":point_down:": "👇",
":point_left:": "👈",
":point_right:": "👉",
":point_up:": "☝",
":point_up_2:": "👆",
":poland:": "🇵🇱",
":polar_bear:": "🐻❄",
":police_car:": "🚓",
":police_officer:": "👮",
":policeman:": "👮♂",
":policewoman:": "👮♀",
":poodle:": "🐩",
":poop:": "💩",
":popcorn:": "🍿",
":portugal:": "🇵🇹",
":post_office:": "🏣",
":postal_horn:": "📯",
":postbox:": "📮",
":potable_water:": "🚰",
":potato:": "🥔",
":potted_plant:": "🪴",
":pouch:": "👝",
":poultry_leg:": "🍗",
":pound:": "💷",
":pout:": "😡",
":pouting_cat:": "😾",
":pouting_face:": "🙎",
":pouting_man:": "🙎♂",
":pouting_woman:": "🙎♀",
":pray:": "🙏",
":prayer_beads:": "📿",
":pregnant_woman:": "🤰",
":pretzel:": "🥨",
":previous_track_button:": "⏮",
":prince:": "🤴",
":princess:": "👸",
":printer:": "🖨",
":probing_cane:": "🦯",
":puerto_rico:": "🇵🇷",
":punch:": "👊",
":purple_circle:": "🟣",
":purple_heart:": "💜",
":purple_square:": "🟪",
":purse:": "👛",
":pushpin:": "📌",
":put_litter_in_its_place:": "🚮",
":qatar:": "🇶🇦",
":question:": "❓",
":rabbit:": "🐰",
":rabbit2:": "🐇",
":raccoon:": "🦝",
":racehorse:": "🐎",
":racing_car:": "🏎",
":radio:": "📻",
":radio_button:": "🔘",
":radioactive:": "☢",
":rage:": "😡",
":railway_car:": "🚃",
":railway_track:": "🛤",
":rainbow:": "🌈",
":rainbow_flag:": "🏳🌈",
":raised_back_of_hand:": "🤚",
":raised_eyebrow:": "🤨",
":raised_hand:": "✋",
":raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:": "🖐",
":raised_hands:": "🙌",
":raising_hand:": "🙋",
":raising_hand_man:": "🙋♂",
":raising_hand_woman:": "🙋♀",
":ram:": "🐏",
":ramen:": "🍜",
":rat:": "🐀",
":razor:": "🪒",
":receipt:": "🧾",
":record_button:": "⏺",
":recycle:": "♻",
":red_car:": "🚗",
":red_circle:": "🔴",
":red_envelope:": "🧧",
":red_haired_man:": "👨🦰",
":red_haired_woman:": "👩🦰",
":red_square:": "🟥",
":registered:": "®",
":relaxed:": "☺",
":relieved:": "😌",
":reminder_ribbon:": "🎗",
":repeat:": "🔁",
":repeat_one:": "🔂",
":rescue_worker_helmet:": "⛑",
":restroom:": "🚻",
":reunion:": "🇷🇪",
":revolving_hearts:": "💞",
":rewind:": "⏪",
":rhinoceros:": "🦏",
":ribbon:": "🎀",
":rice:": "🍚",
":rice_ball:": "🍙",
":rice_cracker:": "🍘",
":rice_scene:": "🎑",
":right_anger_bubble:": "🗯",
":ring:": "💍",
":ringed_planet:": "🪐",
":robot:": "🤖",
":rock:": "🪨",
":rocket:": "🚀",
":rofl:": "🤣",
":roll_eyes:": "🙄",
":roll_of_paper:": "🧻",
":roller_coaster:": "🎢",
":roller_skate:": "🛼",
":romania:": "🇷🇴",
":rooster:": "🐓",
":rose:": "🌹",
":rosette:": "🏵",
":rotating_light:": "🚨",
":round_pushpin:": "📍",
":rowboat:": "🚣",
":rowing_man:": "🚣♂",
":rowing_woman:": "🚣♀",
":ru:": "🇷🇺",
":rugby_football:": "🏉",
":runner:": "🏃",
":running:": "🏃",
":running_man:": "🏃♂",
":running_shirt_with_sash:": "🎽",
":running_woman:": "🏃♀",
":rwanda:": "🇷🇼",
":sa:": "🈂",
":safety_pin:": "🧷",
":safety_vest:": "🦺",
":sagittarius:": "♐",
":sailboat:": "⛵",
":sake:": "🍶",
":salt:": "🧂",
":samoa:": "🇼🇸",
":san_marino:": "🇸🇲",
":sandal:": "👡",
":sandwich:": "🥪",
":santa:": "🎅",
":sao_tome_principe:": "🇸🇹",
":sari:": "🥻",
":sassy_man:": "💁♂",
":sassy_woman:": "💁♀",
":satellite:": "📡",
":satisfied:": "😆",
":saudi_arabia:": "🇸🇦",
":sauna_man:": "🧖♂",
":sauna_person:": "🧖",
":sauna_woman:": "🧖♀",
":sauropod:": "🦕",
":saxophone:": "🎷",
":scarf:": "🧣",
":school:": "🏫",
":school_satchel:": "🎒",
":scientist:": "🧑🔬",
":scissors:": "✂",
":scorpion:": "🦂",
":scorpius:": "♏",
":scotland:": "🏴",
":scream:": "😱",
":scream_cat:": "🙀",
":screwdriver:": "🪛",
":scroll:": "📜",
":seal:": "🦭",
":seat:": "💺",
":secret:": "㊙",
":see_no_evil:": "🙈",
":seedling:": "🌱",
":selfie:": "🤳",
":senegal:": "🇸🇳",
":serbia:": "🇷🇸",
":service_dog:": "🐕🦺",
":seven:": "7⃣",
":sewing_needle:": "🪡",
":seychelles:": "🇸🇨",
":shallow_pan_of_food:": "🥘",
":shamrock:": "☘",
":shark:": "🦈",
":shaved_ice:": "🍧",
":sheep:": "🐑",
":shell:": "🐚",
":shield:": "🛡",
":shinto_shrine:": "⛩",
":ship:": "🚢",
":shirt:": "👕",
":shit:": "💩",
":shoe:": "👞",
":shopping:": "🛍",
":shopping_cart:": "🛒",
":shorts:": "🩳",
":shower:": "🚿",
":shrimp:": "🦐",
":shrug:": "🤷",
":shushing_face:": "🤫",
":sierra_leone:": "🇸🇱",
":signal_strength:": "📶",
":singapore:": "🇸🇬",
":singer:": "🧑🎤",
":sint_maarten:": "🇸🇽",
":six:": "6⃣",
":six_pointed_star:": "🔯",
":skateboard:": "🛹",
":ski:": "🎿",
":skier:": "⛷",
":skull:": "💀",
":skull_and_crossbones:": "☠",
":skunk:": "🦨",
":sled:": "🛷",
":sleeping:": "😴",
":sleeping_bed:": "🛌",
":sleepy:": "😪",
":slightly_frowning_face:": "🙁",
":slightly_smiling_face:": "🙂",
":slot_machine:": "🎰",
":sloth:": "🦥",
":slovakia:": "🇸🇰",
":slovenia:": "🇸🇮",
":small_airplane:": "🛩",
":small_blue_diamond:": "🔹",
":small_orange_diamond:": "🔸",
":small_red_triangle:": "🔺",
":small_red_triangle_down:": "🔻",
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":smile_cat:": "😸",
":smiley:": "😃",
":smiley_cat:": "😺",
":smiling_face_with_tear:": "🥲",
":smiling_face_with_three_hearts:": "🥰",
":smiling_imp:": "😈",
":smirk:": "😏",
":smirk_cat:": "😼",
":smoking:": "🚬",
":snail:": "🐌",
":snake:": "🐍",
":sneezing_face:": "🤧",
":snowboarder:": "🏂",
":snowflake:": "❄",
":snowman:": "⛄",
":snowman_with_snow:": "☃",
":soap:": "🧼",
":sob:": "😭",
":soccer:": "⚽",
":socks:": "🧦",
":softball:": "🥎",
":solomon_islands:": "🇸🇧",
":somalia:": "🇸🇴",
":soon:": "🔜",
":sos:": "🆘",
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":south_georgia_south_sandwich_islands:": "🇬🇸",
":south_sudan:": "🇸🇸",
":space_invader:": "👾",
":spades:": "♠",
":spaghetti:": "🍝",
":sparkle:": "❇",
":sparkler:": "🎇",
":sparkles:": "✨",
":sparkling_heart:": "💖",
":speak_no_evil:": "🙊",
":speaker:": "🔈",
":speaking_head:": "🗣",
":speech_balloon:": "💬",
":speedboat:": "🚤",
":spider:": "🕷",
":spider_web:": "🕸",
":spiral_calendar:": "🗓",
":spiral_notepad:": "🗒",
":sponge:": "🧽",
":spoon:": "🥄",
":squid:": "🦑",
":sri_lanka:": "🇱🇰",
":st_barthelemy:": "🇧🇱",
":st_helena:": "🇸🇭",
":st_kitts_nevis:": "🇰🇳",
":st_lucia:": "🇱🇨",
":st_martin:": "🇲🇫",
":st_pierre_miquelon:": "🇵🇲",
":st_vincent_grenadines:": "🇻🇨",
":stadium:": "🏟",
":standing_man:": "🧍♂",
":standing_person:": "🧍",
":standing_woman:": "🧍♀",
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":star2:": "🌟",
":star_and_crescent:": "☪",
":star_of_david:": "✡",
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":stars:": "🌠",
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":statue_of_liberty:": "🗽",
":steam_locomotive:": "🚂",
":stethoscope:": "🩺",
":stew:": "🍲",
":stop_button:": "⏹",
":stop_sign:": "🛑",
":stopwatch:": "⏱",
":straight_ruler:": "📏",
":strawberry:": "🍓",
":stuck_out_tongue:": "😛",
":stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:": "😝",
":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:": "😜",
":student:": "🧑🎓",
":studio_microphone:": "🎙",
":stuffed_flatbread:": "🥙",
":sudan:": "🇸🇩",
":sun_behind_large_cloud:": "🌥",
":sun_behind_rain_cloud:": "🌦",
":sun_behind_small_cloud:": "🌤",
":sun_with_face:": "🌞",
":sunflower:": "🌻",
":sunglasses:": "😎",
":sunny:": "☀",
":sunrise:": "🌅",
":sunrise_over_mountains:": "🌄",
":superhero:": "🦸",
":superhero_man:": "🦸♂",
":superhero_woman:": "🦸♀",
":supervillain:": "🦹",
":supervillain_man:": "🦹♂",
":supervillain_woman:": "🦹♀",
":surfer:": "🏄",
":surfing_man:": "🏄♂",
":surfing_woman:": "🏄♀",
":suriname:": "🇸🇷",
":sushi:": "🍣",
":suspension_railway:": "🚟",
":svalbard_jan_mayen:": "🇸🇯",
":swan:": "🦢",
":swaziland:": "🇸🇿",
":sweat:": "😓",
":sweat_drops:": "💦",
":sweat_smile:": "😅",
":sweden:": "🇸🇪",
":sweet_potato:": "🍠",
":swim_brief:": "🩲",
":swimmer:": "🏊",
":swimming_man:": "🏊♂",
":swimming_woman:": "🏊♀",
":switzerland:": "🇨🇭",
":symbols:": "🔣",
":synagogue:": "🕍",
":syria:": "🇸🇾",
":syringe:": "💉",
":t-rex:": "🦖",
":taco:": "🌮",
":tada:": "🎉",
":taiwan:": "🇹🇼",
":tajikistan:": "🇹🇯",
":takeout_box:": "🥡",
":tamale:": "🫔",
":tanabata_tree:": "🎋",
":tangerine:": "🍊",
":tanzania:": "🇹🇿",
":taurus:": "♉",
":taxi:": "🚕",
":tea:": "🍵",
":teacher:": "🧑🏫",
":teapot:": "🫖",
":technologist:": "🧑💻",
":teddy_bear:": "🧸",
":telephone:": "☎",
":telephone_receiver:": "📞",
":telescope:": "🔭",
":tennis:": "🎾",
":tent:": "⛺",
":test_tube:": "🧪",
":thailand:": "🇹🇭",
":thermometer:": "🌡",
":thinking:": "🤔",
":thong_sandal:": "🩴",
":thought_balloon:": "💭",
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":thumbsup:": "👍",
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":tickets:": "🎟",
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":tiger2:": "🐅",
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":tipping_hand_person:": "💁",
":tipping_hand_woman:": "💁♀",
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":togo:": "🇹🇬",
":toilet:": "🚽",
":tokelau:": "🇹🇰",
":tokyo_tower:": "🗼",
":tomato:": "🍅",
":tonga:": "🇹🇴",
":tongue:": "👅",
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":tooth:": "🦷",
":toothbrush:": "🪥",
":top:": "🔝",
":tophat:": "🎩",
":tornado:": "🌪",
":tr:": "🇹🇷",
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":train2:": "🚆",
":tram:": "🚊",
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":transgender_symbol:": "⚧",
":triangular_flag_on_post:": "🚩",
":triangular_ruler:": "📐",
":trident:": "🔱",
":trinidad_tobago:": "🇹🇹",
":tristan_da_cunha:": "🇹🇦",
":triumph:": "😤",
":trolleybus:": "🚎",
":trophy:": "🏆",
":tropical_drink:": "🍹",
":tropical_fish:": "🐠",
":truck:": "🚚",
":trumpet:": "🎺",
":tshirt:": "👕",
":tulip:": "🌷",
":tumbler_glass:": "🥃",
":tunisia:": "🇹🇳",
":turkey:": "🦃",
":turkmenistan:": "🇹🇲",
":turks_caicos_islands:": "🇹🇨",
":turtle:": "🐢",
":tuvalu:": "🇹🇻",
":tv:": "📺",
":twisted_rightwards_arrows:": "🔀",
":two:": "2⃣",
":two_hearts:": "💕",
":two_men_holding_hands:": "👬",
":two_women_holding_hands:": "👭",
":u5272:": "🈹",
":u5408:": "🈴",
":u55b6:": "🈺",
":u6307:": "🈯",
":u6708:": "🈷",
":u6709:": "🈶",
":u6e80:": "🈵",
":u7121:": "🈚",
":u7533:": "🈸",
":u7981:": "🈲",
":u7a7a:": "🈳",
":uganda:": "🇺🇬",
":uk:": "🇬🇧",
":ukraine:": "🇺🇦",
":umbrella:": "☔",
":unamused:": "😒",
":underage:": "🔞",
":unicorn:": "🦄",
":united_arab_emirates:": "🇦🇪",
":united_nations:": "🇺🇳",
":unlock:": "🔓",
":up:": "🆙",
":upside_down_face:": "🙃",
":uruguay:": "🇺🇾",
":us:": "🇺🇸",
":us_outlying_islands:": "🇺🇲",
":us_virgin_islands:": "🇻🇮",
":uzbekistan:": "🇺🇿",
":v:": "✌",
":vampire:": "🧛",
":vampire_man:": "🧛♂",
":vampire_woman:": "🧛♀",
":vanuatu:": "🇻🇺",
":vatican_city:": "🇻🇦",
":venezuela:": "🇻🇪",
":vertical_traffic_light:": "🚦",
":vhs:": "📼",
":vibration_mode:": "📳",
":video_camera:": "📹",
":video_game:": "🎮",
":vietnam:": "🇻🇳",
":violin:": "🎻",
":virgo:": "♍",
":volcano:": "🌋",
":volleyball:": "🏐",
":vomiting_face:": "🤮",
":vs:": "🆚",
":vulcan_salute:": "🖖",
":waffle:": "🧇",
":wales:": "🏴",
":walking:": "🚶",
":walking_man:": "🚶♂",
":walking_woman:": "🚶♀",
":wallis_futuna:": "🇼🇫",
":waning_crescent_moon:": "🌘",
":waning_gibbous_moon:": "🌖",
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":wastebasket:": "🗑",
":watch:": "⌚",
":water_buffalo:": "🐃",
":water_polo:": "🤽",
":watermelon:": "🍉",
":wave:": "👋",
":wavy_dash:": "〰",
":waxing_crescent_moon:": "🌒",
":waxing_gibbous_moon:": "🌔",
":wc:": "🚾",
":weary:": "😩",
":wedding:": "💒",
":weight_lifting:": "🏋",
":weight_lifting_man:": "🏋♂",
":weight_lifting_woman:": "🏋♀",
":western_sahara:": "🇪🇭",
":whale:": "🐳",
":whale2:": "🐋",
":wheel_of_dharma:": "☸",
":wheelchair:": "♿",
":white_check_mark:": "✅",
":white_circle:": "⚪",
":white_flag:": "🏳",
":white_flower:": "💮",
":white_haired_man:": "👨🦳",
":white_haired_woman:": "👩🦳",
":white_heart:": "🤍",
":white_large_square:": "⬜",
":white_medium_small_square:": "◽",
":white_medium_square:": "◻",
":white_small_square:": "▫",
":white_square_button:": "🔳",
":wilted_flower:": "🥀",
":wind_chime:": "🎐",
":wind_face:": "🌬",
":window:": "🪟",
":wine_glass:": "🍷",
":wink:": "😉",
":wolf:": "🐺",
":woman:": "👩",
":woman_artist:": "👩🎨",
":woman_astronaut:": "👩🚀",
":woman_beard:": "🧔♀",
":woman_cartwheeling:": "🤸♀",
":woman_cook:": "👩🍳",
":woman_dancing:": "💃",
":woman_facepalming:": "🤦♀",
":woman_factory_worker:": "👩🏭",
":woman_farmer:": "👩🌾",
":woman_feeding_baby:": "👩🍼",
":woman_firefighter:": "👩🚒",
":woman_health_worker:": "👩⚕",
":woman_in_manual_wheelchair:": "👩🦽",
":woman_in_motorized_wheelchair:": "👩🦼",
":woman_in_tuxedo:": "🤵♀",
":woman_judge:": "👩⚖",
":woman_juggling:": "🤹♀",
":woman_mechanic:": "👩🔧",
":woman_office_worker:": "👩💼",
":woman_pilot:": "👩✈",
":woman_playing_handball:": "🤾♀",
":woman_playing_water_polo:": "🤽♀",
":woman_scientist:": "👩🔬",
":woman_shrugging:": "🤷♀",
":woman_singer:": "👩🎤",
":woman_student:": "👩🎓",
":woman_teacher:": "👩🏫",
":woman_technologist:": "👩💻",
":woman_with_headscarf:": "🧕",
":woman_with_probing_cane:": "👩🦯",
":woman_with_turban:": "👳♀",
":woman_with_veil:": "👰♀",
":womans_clothes:": "👚",
":womans_hat:": "👒",
":women_wrestling:": "🤼♀",
":womens:": "🚺",
":wood:": "🪵",
":woozy_face:": "🥴",
":world_map:": "🗺",
":worm:": "🪱",
":worried:": "😟",
":wrench:": "🔧",
":wrestling:": "🤼",
":writing_hand:": "✍",
":x:": "❌",
":yarn:": "🧶",
":yawning_face:": "🥱",
":yellow_circle:": "🟡",
":yellow_heart:": "💛",
":yellow_square:": "🟨",
":yemen:": "🇾🇪",
":yen:": "💴",
":yin_yang:": "☯",
":yo_yo:": "🪀",
":yum:": "😋",
":zambia:": "🇿🇲",
":zany_face:": "🤪",
":zap:": "⚡",
":zebra:": "🦓",
":zero:": "0⃣",
":zimbabwe:": "🇿🇼",
":zipper_mouth_face:": "🤐",
":zombie:": "🧟",
":zombie_man:": "🧟♂",
":zombie_woman:": "🧟♀",
":zzz:": "💤"
sbMessage = document.querySelector('#shoutbox input[type="text"]');
function(e) {
for(var k in emojis) { =, emojis[k]);
Citer : Posté le 11/02/2022 10:53 | #
On pourrait le faire côté serveur ça non ?
Citer : Posté le 11/02/2022 10:55 | #
Faut voir si la version de PHP qu’on utilise explose pas en plein vol avec Unicode
Mais oui, dans l’absolu c’est jouable
Citer : Posté le 11/02/2022 11:25 | #
On est avec PHP 7, le support d'unicode devrait être suffisant pour faire la grande majorité des émojis unicodes.
Citer : Posté le 17/05/2022 20:07 | #
Ça fait longtemps que ce thread a pas été actif !
Citer : Posté le 28/09/2022 21:11 | #
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