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Index du Forum » Autres questions » TLB Error with demo project
Braaandon Hors ligne Membre Points: 10 Défis: 0 Message

TLB Error with demo project

Posté le 04/03/2025 01:07

Hello, I am on a MacOS M2 Pro Sequoia machine and am attempting to use fxsdk/gint to develop an application for the Casio FX CG-50. I tried to choose the quick installation method but realized this would not work so well for Mac (despite me trying to use the tips provided in the comments), so I have compiled gcc and binutils targeting the sh3b-elf architecture. I have installed and compiled fxsdk and gint. I used fxsdk new to create a sample project and then compiled it with fxsdk build-cg. I connect my calculator and drag the addin on to the calculator and am then met by a TLB Error (Target 00010000).

I am not sure what I have done wrong, I would appreciate any help

Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24934 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 08:54 | #

Hi! I'm not too surprised that the normal install doesn't work out-of-the-box... due to lack of testing mainly.

The TLB ERROR is hella suspicious. Getting the toolchain to build but getting a bad executable would be a first. Can you please report the full error (is there a PC value?) and attach a copy of the g3a?

(Your images didn't show up cause you put a link to a web page instead of the direct link to the image.)
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Braaandon Hors ligne Membre Points: 10 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 09:03 | # | Fichier joint


Thank you for your swift response. I must note that I did remove all of the code from the main function, however the same error happened prior to this. Each time the TLB error reports exactly the same with target=0001000 and pc=00000498.
Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24934 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 09:26 | #

Ok, I can reproduce. This System ERROR screen is from the OS which indeed strongly suggests that the crash happens before gint takes over. I'm gonna need to analyze the binary. Can I have a full copy of the project folder, build files included, please?
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Braaandon Hors ligne Membre Points: 10 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 09:38 | # | Fichier joint


Here is an archive of the entire project folder.

Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24934 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 10:06 | #

Hmm, nothing looks obviously suspicious (not like the previous time I've had a borked compiler anyway). I assumed you've installed the tools by cloning the repositories in order. What commits do you have for each of these? I wonder if this could be an oversight on my end with a bug remaining on the master branches, which sometimes happens because I live on dev mostly.

Now that I think about it you have GCC 15.0.1 but the GCC build for the fxSDK is 14.0.1. There could always be a hidden issue with this.

I suggest you try with the dev branches of fxSDK, gint and fxlibc first, which is the faster test, and if it doesn't work, maybe build GCC 14.0.1 following the sh-elf-gcc repository as closely as possible.
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Braaandon Hors ligne Membre Points: 10 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 10:18 | #

I am on the latest commit at master on every repository. I followed the instructions on the repositories (adding certain other commands to work around building gcc with Xcode clang). I will try the dev branches then build GCC 14 and test it when I can, thank you.
Braaandon Hors ligne Membre Points: 10 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 14:07 | #


I checked out the dev branches of every repository, compiled and installed them. Still received the same error. Recompiling everything with gcc 14 and using gcc 14 to build the addin it now runs on the calculator. Glad this works now, I wonder why GCC 15 does not work?…

Thank you for your help.
Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24934 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 04/03/2025 14:12 | #

Ok, I'm glad this is solved for now at least. The calculator runs on a SuperH CPU which is a bit obscure and doesn't receive much attention in GCC. When larges changes are made to the compiler it is possible for the SuperH backend to get subtle bugs that are not caught immediately. This has happened before, actually. IIRC GCC 15 is the version that added the post-register-allocation combine pass (basically a very late optimization) which broke many things at first. Maybe there is still some fallout.
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)

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