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Index du Forum » Projets de programmation » 3D minecraft clone for cg50/graph 90-E
010ello010 Hors ligne Membre Points: 9 Défis: 0 Message

3D minecraft clone for cg50/graph 90-E

Posté le 03/10/2024 00:14

A full 3D minecraft clone for the fx-cg50 calculator.

-96x96x40 world
-41 different blocks
-69 different items
-lighting engine

F1 - hotbar left
F2 - hotbar right
F3 - explosion
F4 - increase brightness
F5 - decrease brightness
alpha - switch game modes
vars - inventory
menu - game menu
dpad - camera
7 - destroy block
9 - place block/interact
8 - forward
5 - backward
4 - left
6 - right
3 - save heap log
2 - reset heap, reload map and reload lighting
1 - show performance stats
0 - screenshot
exe - select

screenshots from the last update:


topic on cemetech forms:

if anyone has any ideas for features or finds bugs please let me know.

Loieducode Hors ligne Membre Points: 197 Défis: 6 Message

Citer : Posté le 13/10/2024 13:44 | #

Simply stunning!
Also, (like many others) wondering if/when we could get the source code
I'd honestly like to take a look at it (though I doubt I could help with optimisation all that much )
Can't dodge a bullet
Calamari En ligne Membre Points: 405 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 13/10/2024 21:27 | #

I got a CG50 and have now had a chance to play it. With a render distance of 1 I could still sometimes find myself being right next to another crunk and having it not be loaded (I expected it with 0, but not 1). Bumping up to a render distance of 2 seemed to solve it, however.

At one point I was going through a beach area and had trouble telling which blocks were in my way. Would it be possible to shade or darken the vertical sides of the blocks? I think that would help.

Overall, a very impressive start and I'm looking forward to your future updates!
“Remember to have fun doing this, or it ain't worth it.” — Robert Alan Koeneke
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic
010ello010 Hors ligne Membre Points: 9 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 14/10/2024 13:57 | #

calmari what do you mean with being right net to a chunk and not having it load? Would you be able to share a screenshot so i can see the problem because i have never encountered this issue myself, and I am also looking at adding different brightness for faces as you said but the problem is now that the effect is not noticeable in the light and to noticeable in the dark so i will have to look for a way to fix that without costing to much performance.

loiducode i don't know when I will share the source code but I will eventually share it.

fcalva I did profile the dot product calculations and they don't really take processing time so it's unfortunately not a point where optimizations will do much but still thanks for the idea.
010ello010 Hors ligne Membre Points: 9 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 03/01/2025 22:40 | #

Another new version of my minecraft clone:

-Settings are now saved.
-Added coal, iron, gold, emerald and diamond block.
-Added redstone with 4 redstone updates per second.
-Added the redstone blocks redstone ore, redstone, redstone torch, repeater, iron door, redstone lamp, lever, buttons, redstone block.
-Added new crafting recipes for all the redstone.
-TNT expoldes when redstone signal is given.

The redstone is based of of the redstone in java but is not entirely accurate and the range that redstone updates in can be changed in the settings under redstone update distance, it works like the render distance only for redstone. I will attempt to add skybox, clouds and wheather in the next version.


download its mediafire so i can see the amount of downloads.
Yannis300307 Hors ligne Membre Points: 309 Défis: 4 Message

Citer : Posté le 03/01/2025 23:55 | #

You can also see the amount of downloads by uploading the program on planet casio. There is a download counter behind the download button.
WOW ! Mais qu'est-ce-que je vois ??!! Une extension VS Code qui permet de simplifier le développement sur calculatrices ??!! C'est ici : Casio Dev Tools. C'est incroyable ! C'est prodigieux !
010ello010 Hors ligne Membre Points: 9 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/02/2025 22:38 | # | Fichier joint

Another new version of my minecraft clone:

-chunks are now compressed so they take up mutch less space (720kb->35kb).
-Screenshots now use 16-bit colors instead of 24-bit so they take up less space (324kb->162kb).
-Screenshot saving has been reworked.
-Fixed a bug where picking up a item would cause a illegal code error.
-Fixed a lot of bugs with redstone.
-Fixed heap failure causing map bugs.
-Fixed a bug where blocks could not be destroyed in survival.
-Fixed mapUpdate showing incorrect values in performance graph.
-Fixed hotbar numbers not being minecraft numbers.
-Fixed tnt not doing boom.
-Added sheeps (they have a 1 in 512 chance of spawning on a block when generating a new world).
-Shears can shear sheep to get wool.
-Further code reworking so it will be easier to eventually make the world infinite.
-Clay now spawns in water (1 in 5 chance of a block being clay).

I recommend that you save a backup of your world before opening it in this new version because it compresses all chunks when opening a world and if there is a error the world will get corrupted.



If anyone has any new ideas for features or finds any bugs please let me know.
and the game will be uploaded to the site when I think that the game is finished enough but idk when this will be.

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