Posté le 03/10/2024 00:14
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Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 00:34 | #
Your clone looks absolutely incredible. I don't currently have a CG50, but you're making me want to get one! Are sources available?
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 09:27 | #
It's running near 15FPS ?
And it looks nice.
I'll try the game during my next lecture
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 14:36 | #
Wow it got really impressive! I tried the previous version and there was a lot of lag. I hope that you'll/you've found a way to reduce it.
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 15:22 | #
what version was it that you where playing on MB88 and what part of the game lagged?
and what do you mean bu are sources available Calamari?
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 15:31 | #
Oh I meant is the source code of your project available to download and compile? It doesn't have to be, was just curious whether it was.
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 16:10 | #
Wow, the game is really amazing! There are quite a few features, the game runs at around 20-25 FPS (highest recorded: 34FPS), and so on! There are still some negative points: it's a shame that the map is not permanently reloaded, we can't see where we're going so if it's an abyss... Well, obviously, the game is a bit slow because of the power of the calculators but it's completely forgivable!
P.S.: I like the explosion function!
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 17:00 | #
what you mean by the map is not permanently reloaded timdum10?
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 18:10 | #
I played the last version on Cemetech and the map loading was very very slow...
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 18:33 | #
Étrange, le gars se pointe ici et lâche une bombe sans dire bonjour...
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 19:08 | #
Je l'ai invité à venir poster ici.
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 20:25 | #
what you mean by the map is not permanently reloaded timdum10?
I mean that you can't see far away and that the map is generated end by end.
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 20:30 | #
The calculator simply cannot handle so many triangles.
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 20:30 | #
Étrange, le gars se pointe ici et lâche une bombe sans dire bonjour...
Hé oh fait l'effort de traduire ton message en anglais. C'est relou mais quand on poste un cours en anglais et qu'en plus le forum a été commencé en anglais aussi, on fais l'effort de ne pas casser l'ambiance. Disclaimer : je ne le dit pas méchamment, c'est ironique
Hey oh make the effort to translate your message into English. It's annoying but when we post a course in English and the forum was also started in English, we make the effort not to ruin the atmosphere. Disclaimer: I don't mean it, it's ironic
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 20:33 | #
The calculator simply cannot handle so many triangles.
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 21:00 | #
Hey oh make the effort to translate your message into English. It's annoying but when we post a course in English and the forum was also started in English, we make the effort not to ruin the atmosphere.
We do not have such a rule. This website would rather users express themselves in the language they're comfortable with and not feel burdened by language barriers. This is why we invite posts in English in the first place. We live in a fantastic time where one can machine-translate an entire website in real time, let's lean on it and enjoy the multi-lingual show. (Also, the French are notoriously bad at English.)
Oh I meant is the source code of your project available to download and compile? It doesn't have to be, was just curious whether it was.
I'd be curious as well.
Citer : Posté le 03/10/2024 21:40 | #
i will probably release the source code in the future but i don't know yet when.
Citer : Posté le 10/10/2024 19:54 | #
another new version of my minecraft clone:
-Added slabs, stairs, door and a bed to the game
-The blocks furnace, chest and log are now rotatable.
-Some faces that are obstructed are no longer drawn.
-Calculating if a face has to be drawn (calculating based on normal) is now faster.
-Beds can be slept in to make it day if its night.
-Doors can be opened when pressing 9.
if anyone has any new ideas for features let me know
Citer : Posté le 10/10/2024 20:13 | #
Incredible to have this on the fxcg50
Have you tried profiling the game to see if the normal calcs or other dot products take a significant amount of time ? There are ways to make those much faster in ASM
For other optimization tricks they are described in extensive detail on (And you can easily play on a lot of them staying in C
Caltos : G35+EII, G90+E (briquée
Citer : Posté le 10/10/2024 22:36 | #
@010ello010 honestly, I haven't seen anything that good thus, it's running at about 15 FPS without overclocking the calc. It really makes me want to buy a CG-50 at this point
Keep on like that!
Par ce que Oct 31= Dec 25
Citer : Posté le 13/10/2024 13:44 | #
Simply stunning!
Also, (like many others) wondering if/when we could get the source code
I'd honestly like to take a look at it (though I doubt I could help with optimisation all that much