Posté le 26/09/2024 06:40
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Citer : Posté le 26/09/2024 07:47 | #
I don't have a ClassPad and am unfamiliar with the programming capabilities of the Classpad, except taking a quick look at the manual online. Although nothing stood out immediately, someone more familiar may know of a technique. However, any recursive routine can be rewritten to use a stack instead. I believe a List could be used as a stack (perhaps with slightly different syntax for the ClassPad):
When you're making a function or subroutine call, that's essentially a stack operation. The call is pushing the return address onto a stack, and typically instructions are executed to push other information as well, such as local variables. Then the return pops the return address off the stack, so it knows where to go back to.
Sometimes an algorithm can be changed so that neither recursion or a stack are even necessary, which is the case for Fibonacci. However, it might be interesting to see how to modify a program to remove recursion in general, which this page explains:
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Citer : Posté le 26/09/2024 08:27 | #
Note que la suite de Fibonacci est un cas classique de récursion catastrophe, le calcul prend un temps exponentiel en n ce qui fait que tu n'iras probablement pas plus loin que genre Fibo(10) avec cette version. Le code itératif va infiniment plus vite.
Comme Calamari, je ne suis pas trop familier avec la Classpad mais sur les vieux modèles de Graph la récursion était limitée à 24 niveaux. Il doit aussi y avoir une limite sur la CP