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Calcloverhk En ligne Membre Points: 356 Défis: 10 Message

Guide for using Cahute and fxlink on WSL 2

Posté le 15/09/2024 20:32

This tutorial guides you to enable USB communication in WSL 2 for Cahute and fxlink, which is not supported natively by WSL as of this writing (2024-9-22).

As the title suggests, this guide is intended for developers using WSL 2. This is because usbipd-win and WSLg do not support WSL 1 distros. It is also not applicable to Windows on ARM computers as the author of usbipd-win has no plans to support ARM64, although there is a complicated and non-production solution for ARM64 PCs.

For Windows 10 users, you must be running version 21H2 or higher, which is the minimum requirement for WSLg to work.

Setting up WSL 2
If you are new to WSL, open PowerShell as administrator and execute the following commands to enable it:

dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

Restart your PC to apply these changes.

The latest release of WSL 2 (v2.2.4) uses a monolithic Linux kernel, i.e. it does not come with modules including those related to USB mass storage. Only pre-releases v2.3.11-2.3.14 provide these modules as of now.

After updating WSL, set the default install version for new distros to WSL 2:

wsl --set-default-version 2

Type wsl --list --online and select your preferred distro from the list by wsl --install <distro> --web-download. The guide will be using Ubuntu 24.04 LTS for demonstration.

Installing Cahute and fxlink
Make sure to sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade to have the latest libraries before going through all these instructions.

Go to the README of GiteaPC and install it. Since we will be using the full version of fxlink, install the following dependecies:

% sudo apt-get install cmake python3-pil libusb-1.0-0-dev libudev-dev libsdl2-dev libpng-dev libncurses-dev libudisks2-dev libglib2.0-dev

Then continue with the remaining instructions as usual.

Lastly, follow these instructions to install Cahute.

Instructions for using usbipd-win
On the Windows host, go to the release page for the usbipd-win project and download the latest .msi installer.

After installing usbipd-win, connect your calculator with USB. Then open PowerShell as administrator and run usbipd list. The list should include one of the following information:

07cf:6101  CESG502
07cf:6102  Casio MassStorage Device
07cf:6103  USB Mass Storage Device

Copy its bus ID and execute the following commands while the WSL instance is running:

usbipd bind -b <calculator-busid>
usbipd attach -w -b <calculator-busid>

Note that for calculators that support USB Flash mode, you have to repeat the bind command for each connection mode as they have different PID as shown above.

To let your calculator always connect to WSL instance instead of the host, add -a flag after usbipd attach. This will start endless attach loop for the calculator connection.

For calculators that use CESG502, type p7 info in WSL terminal to confirm that Cahute can detect the calculator connection. If your calculator is in USB Flash mode, enter lsblk to see if its storage appears under sdx directory.

Possible issues and workarounds
1. If you have installed USBPcap in Windows (which is used for debugging with Cahute), usbipd will prompt you:

usbipd: warning: USB filter 'USBPcap' is known to be incompatible with this software; 'bind --force' will be required.

If you prefer not to force bind your calculator to WSL instance, do not use both components simultaneously.

2. If usbipd-win cannot automatically load vhci_hcd module, edit the module config file:

% sudo nano /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf

Add vhci_hcd module at a new line like this:

# /etc/modules is obsolete and has been replaced by /etc/modules-load.d/.
# Please see modules-load.d(5) and modprobe.d(5) for details.
# Updating this file still works, but it is undocumented and unsupported.

Save the config file and restart your WSL session.

3. Since fxlink is installed in your home directory, fxsdk build-cg -s may not work properly as it requires root privileges. In this case, execute the following workaround in WSL terminal:

% which fxlink

Copy its path and enter the following command at your fxSDK project directory as root:

% sudo /full/path/to/fxlink -sw <your-addin>.g3a

4. If p7screen prompts you:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Create a WSLg config file:

% sudo nano /etc/tmpfiles.d/wslg.conf

Save the config file with the following content and restart your WSL session:

#  This file is part of the debianisation of systemd.
#  systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.

# See tmpfiles.d(5) for details

# Type Path           Mode UID  GID  Age Argument
L+     /tmp/.X11-unix -    -    -    -   /mnt/wslg/.X11-unix

Cakeisalie5 Hors ligne Ancien administrateur Points: 1955 Défis: 11 Message

Citer : Posté le 05/10/2024 16:24 | #

Hey, thanks for this tutorial! I've added issue #48 on Cahute to integrate this directly in Cahute's documentation, in addition to the udev rule warning your original topic helped me identify and add to the GiteaPC install section

As described in #projets, I'm kind of worried about this section of the instructions though:

CalcLoverHK a écrit :
4. If p7screen prompts you:

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Segmentation faults are never an expected behaviour, and it feels like something I should either fix in p7screen, or make an upstream report about in libsdl's bug tracker, depending on which is at fault here.

In order to do this, I would be glad if you could reproduce the issue with the following parameters:

  • Cahute being built with debug syms, installed using giteapc install cake/cahute:contributor;
  • p7screen being run with valgrind or equivalent, to provide a stack trace of the segmentation fault.

For reference, you've quoted this to be the source of the issue, and this for being the source of the solution you've provided here, and the issue only occurs on ArchWSL, and not Ubuntu WSL.
Respirateur d'air, BDFL de Cahute, des utilitaires de communication pour calculatrices CASIO.

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