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Index du Forum » Autres questions » Erreur syntaxe dans un programme en Basic Casio et je ne sais pas
Tuper4 Hors ligne Membre Points: 1010 Défis: 23 Message

Erreur syntaxe dans un programme en Basic Casio et je ne sais pas

Posté le 20/12/2023 17:50

Salut tous le monde,
j'ai une erreur de syntaxe dans ce code et je ne sais pas comment le regler:

1 -> Q
0 -> M
"Λ≡∡=>" -> Str 1
{1, 5, 5, 10, 0, 0 -> List 9
{5, 1 -> List 8
{7, 17 -> Dim Mat K
Locate 1, 1, "S:"
Locate 1, 3, "P:"
Locate 1, 4, "N:"
Locate 1, 5, "M:"
Locate 1, 6, "E:"
Locate 1, 7, "$:"
Locate 3, 1, List 9[1
Locate 3, 3, List 9[2
Locate 3, 4, List 9[3
Locate 3, 5, List 9[4
Locate 3, 6, List 9[5
Locate 3, 7, List 9[6
While 1
    If M = 0 :Then
        Locate List 8[1], List 8[2], " "
Locate List 8[1], List 8[2], StrMid(Str 1, Q, 1)

le curseur est sur la derniere ligne :
Locate List 8[1], List 8[2], StrMid(Str 1, Q, 1 ICI)

Merci d'avance

Potter360 Hors ligne Rédacteur Points: 1255 Défis: 2 Message

Citer : Posté le 20/12/2023 17:54 | #

Tu n'as pas fermé ton While 1 par un WhileEnd je pense que c'est pour ça
Globalement, coder. Mal, mais coder.
Tuper4 Hors ligne Membre Points: 1010 Défis: 23 Message

Citer : Posté le 20/12/2023 17:56 | #

Mais.... comment j'ai pu faire une telle erreur merci, ca marche!
It's easy for someone to joke about scars if they've never been cut - William Shakespeare
Ptitjoz Hors ligne Membre Points: 274 Défis: 10 Message

Citer : Posté le 21/12/2023 08:20 | #

C'est à cause des habitudes prises en python.
Les fins d'indention ferment les if while for etc

Tuper4 Hors ligne Membre Points: 1010 Défis: 23 Message

Citer : Posté le 21/12/2023 14:29 | #

Oui je crois que c'est pour ca. En plus, j'ai pris du temps a comprendre que si tu mets 4 conditions, il faut mettre 4 IfEnd
It's easy for someone to joke about scars if they've never been cut - William Shakespeare
Calcloverhk En ligne Membre Points: 362 Défis: 10 Message

Citer : Posté le 21/12/2023 15:27 | #

What kind of error message did you get in C.Basic? I was confused because you should get the "While w/o WhileEnd"/"Missing WhileEnd" message instead of just "syntax error".
C.Basic Wiki Project progress as of 2024/2/12

Tuper4 Hors ligne Membre Points: 1010 Défis: 23 Message

Citer : Posté le 21/12/2023 16:14 | # | Fichier joint

Actually, when there is a missing WhileEnd or IfEnd, it shows a Syntax ERROR. But maybe we don't have the same calculator model. I have a graph 35+e.
It's easy for someone to joke about scars if they've never been cut - William Shakespeare
Calcloverhk En ligne Membre Points: 362 Défis: 10 Message

Citer : Posté le 21/12/2023 20:50 | #

Ah, I kind of figured out why your error message wasn't "Missing WhileEnd". Apparantly it is only triggered when running "While (false)" as it looks for and jumps to WhileEnd to skip the while loop. Here you used "While 1" in which C.Basic just "labels its position and waits until reaching WhileEnd for looping" without actually looking for WhileEnd immediately (not 100% sure though). This might be the way the syntax system in C.Basic works (to speed up interpretion) and as such it's so lenient that even codes like "If 0ThenA->BElseA->CIfEnd" is allowed and functional x).

Interestingly you stated your cursor is located within StrMid() when the error pop-up shows up, which indicates something went wrong on StrMid() and not the while loop, but I don't see any syntax issues in this part. Moreover, simply running "WhileEnd" or "IfEnd" does not show any error pop-up. I thought you got the "Syntax ERROR" pop-up at first but this seems incorrect. Maybe you mean your calc shows erroneous results on the screen after running the codes?
C.Basic Wiki Project progress as of 2024/2/12

Tuper4 Hors ligne Membre Points: 1010 Défis: 23 Message

Citer : Posté le 21/12/2023 22:33 | #

I understand your reasoning and it popped up me a Syntax ERROR. And then, when I added the WhileEnd, it worked perfectly. So I don't know
It's easy for someone to joke about scars if they've never been cut - William Shakespeare
Tuper4 Hors ligne Membre Points: 1010 Défis: 23 Message

Citer : Posté le 09/01/2024 19:26 | #

Calcloverhk a écrit :
Ah, I kind of figured out why your error message wasn't "Missing WhileEnd". Apparantly it is only triggered when running "While (false)" as it looks for and jumps to WhileEnd to skip the while loop. Here you used "While 1" in which C.Basic just "labels its position and waits until reaching WhileEnd for looping" without actually looking for WhileEnd immediately (not 100% sure though). This might be the way the syntax system in C.Basic works (to speed up interpretion) and as such it's so lenient that even codes like "If 0ThenA->BElseA->CIfEnd" is allowed and functional x).

Interestingly you stated your cursor is located within StrMid() when the error pop-up shows up, which indicates something went wrong on StrMid() and not the while loop, but I don't see any syntax issues in this part. Moreover, simply running "WhileEnd" or "IfEnd" does not show any error pop-up. I thought you got the "Syntax ERROR" pop-up at first but this seems incorrect. Maybe you mean your calc shows erroneous results on the screen after running the codes?
I nos understand Why there wasn't a "missing whileend": because I was coding on the native casio language which, when I wrote the post, thought was called C.Basic. I realized this when I tried C.Basic and saw that when you don't put a WhileEnd, it says Missing WhileEnd which is not the case on the native Casio language. I hope you understand what I said

EDIT: I changed the name of the topic.
It's easy for someone to joke about scars if they've never been cut - William Shakespeare

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