Posté le 23/02/2023 19:24
Planète Casio v4.3 © créé par Neuronix et Muelsaco 2004 - 2025 | Il y a 59 connectés | Nous contacter | Qui sommes-nous ? | Licences et remerciements
Planète Casio est un site communautaire non affilié à Casio. Toute reproduction de Planète Casio, même partielle, est interdite.
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Citer : Posté le 23/02/2023 19:27 | #
Why didn't you release it like the other games?
Petit tu es doué, très doué, mais tant que je serais là tu ne seras que le second
Citer : Posté le 23/02/2023 19:35 | #
Hello Mrhitech o/
Yes, You could post it on the Programs section thanks to this link: publish a program
You must also specify the genre of your program (Add-in, game, conversion, etc...), the model of the calculator concerned, the weight of the program, in short.
Thank you for feeding Planet Casio ☺️
EDIT : If you post it, you can even have the number of downloads;If you post it, you can even have the number of downloads from your program