Posté le 30/08/2022 01:48
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Citer : Posté le 30/08/2022 02:03 | #
I also have a 9750GIII. The analogous French model is the Graph 35+E II. See the "Programming" section on that page for compatible applications.
You'll find that Casio Basic games are the most compatible. For Casio Basic, I've tested Calcraft.g2m and Zeldapc.g1r and they both work, but I'm sure many others do as well. Be sure to copy Basic programs to the @MainMem directory rather than to the USB root.
The Casio calculators underwent a CPU change years ago, from SH3 to SH4 (and maybe other hardware has changed too, but I'm not sure on that). As a result of the changes, many of the black & white C or assembly-language add-ins won't work with our modern calculator, although work has been done to port some of them. For native add-ins, the khicasen.g1a CAS (computer algebra system) works, as well as Starwars.g1a and Terrario.g1a.
Calccity.g1a and Wolfenst.g1a are broken. EDIT: I was incorrect, CalcCity-63751-0.g1a and Wolfenst-178311.g1a work fine.I'm hoping to eventually add a few 9750GIII-compatible games. I'd like to port some Linux console games to the 9750GIII using the fxSDK, such as Moria. I'm also writing a simplistic Klondike Solitaire game in Python (along with a parallel version I'm writing for the CFX-9800G) and also a chess game in Python (although if the chess game is too slow I'll port it to C).
Maybe you can implement a Tetris game using Casio Basic or the fxSDK? Game Boy Tetris was also written for a monochrome LCD (although higher resolution); perhaps it will provide some inspiration?
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Citer : Posté le 30/08/2022 08:17 | #
As Calamari mentioned, BASIC programs will work out of the box. Regarding specifically add-ins (.g1a files) for the G-III:
In addition so the SH3/SH4 change from ~2011 which is mostly a problem of the past now (unless you download very old add-ins), the G-III series has a different display from its predecessors (it looks identical but the protocol is slightly different), so a popular rendering library called MonochromeLib didn't work when the G-III came out.
As a result, many add-ins written even for SH4 didn't work. If you start one you get a blank screen and you have to press RESET to reboot (not dangerous). There is a source update of the library, and also a couple of tools to automatically rewrite g1a files to make them compatible, such as this one I maintain. You can see at the bottom a list of a couple of 30-40 add-ins that are compatible, and you can try more easily.
If you look at these add-ins you will see the description has links like:
» Télécharger pour autres Graph «
This is your tell-tale sign that the add-in has been ported; download the bold Graph 35+E II one.
Finally, add-ins have been mostly programmed with the fxSDK for a while now, rather than the official fx-9860G SDK with MonochromeLib; the display problem is a lesser issue in this case because the fxSDK was made compatible earlier, and source files for add-ins are provided much more often so it's just a matter of rebuilding.
Citer : Posté le 30/08/2022 11:11 | #
There is a Casio Basic Tetris game here. It works with the 9750GIII.
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2023 01:44 | #
hi, sorry i speak eng... I was searching for games compatible my my calculator (casio fx-9860giii), but most games i have seen here so far dont't work
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2023 01:46 | #
this is the only website that i have gotten a working game (snake), but still ... most games here dont't work ...
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2023 07:45 | #
What do you mean ?
There is plenty of games made for the G35/FX9860G series here
Those are addins, basically apps, and so you need to put them in the storage memory. For Casio Basic games, you are going to have to look out for them since there isn't any specific filter.
Edit : And also some won't work since they are made for the way older models, but it's a diminishing issue.
Caltos : G35+EII, G90+E (briquée
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2023 09:18 | #
(French models for reference, just in case: fx-9860G III → Graph 35+E II, any other Graph model with 35/75 in the name → basically fx-9860G II.)
A bunch of older .g1a files give you a blank screen when you run them, because the G-III has a different display protocol. This is a known issue which can usually be patched automatically (instructions in French, patching program). Let us know if this is what you're encountering.
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2023 22:23 | #
like i have said before... sadley most games don't work.
for example,
metro siberia 2 shows up on the calculator, when i enter into the program it shows the menu screen but when i press play it doesn't show any gameplay, it only says that i died in the game...
Citer : Posté le 19/08/2023 23:11 | #
Just checked — it definitely works on my Graph 35+E II. Did you download the file from the "Télécharger pour Graph 35+E II" link in bold?
Citer : Posté le 20/08/2023 03:11 | #
the link in bold takes me to the top of this forum
Citer : Posté le 20/08/2023 09:38 | #
I mean the one on the Metro Siberia page, not the one on this page (which is indeed just a fake one to illustrate how to download).
Specifically, you should be downloading
Citer : Posté le 20/08/2023 21:25 | #
it works! thank you so much
do you know a tetris game that would also work with fx-9860giii?
Citer : Posté le 20/08/2023 21:37 | #
There's at least this one:
Or just this one in Basic:
Citer : Posté le 22/08/2023 06:32 | #
Citer : Posté le 23/08/2023 20:07 | #
I don't know how you installed them, but they definitely work on my machine... Matris I downloaded with the bold link as previously, works just fine. Tetris EAGames is a PRGM program, there is no compatibility issue at all for these.
Citer : Posté le 24/08/2023 08:18 | #
i did try matris, the app shows up but when i choose singleplayer and press EXE, it takes me to math
am i pressing the wrong button to play or is there a problem...
Citer : Posté le 24/08/2023 08:24 | #
Ah, that's because this game implements a classroom escape maneuver where EXE starts the math app so you can pretend you weren't playing. Admittedly it's not very smart to also have used EXE in the main menu.
Try and press EXE on Singleplayer for just a very short time and you should be able to get into the game. Then it's only the arrow keys to play and the EXIT button to leave.
Citer : Posté le 25/08/2023 08:43 | #
yes, eventually i noticed that. the class escape maneuver is a good idea in my opinion, but it's a little slow. do you know any other games that also work with this calculator? im trying to get a good set of games
Citer : Posté le 25/08/2023 09:04 | #
All the games at the bottom of the converter's main post have such a bold Graph 35+E II link that you can use, and if you're a bit adventurous you can use the converter itself to convert others that don't work. Add-ins that use "gint" (often mentioned in the description) should work without conversion. And all PRGM/Basic (.g1m/.g1r) games will also work out-of-the-box.
Citer : Posté le 25/08/2023 09:34 | #
hmmm, i tried to get fruit ninja on fx-9860giii but the app thing won't open, it freezes the calculator screen and i had to restart it
did i download the wrong link or is it not compatible with my calculator
i pressed the downloadTelecharger button