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Index du Forum » Projets de programmation » Mario Kart game (work in progress)
Circuit10 Hors ligne Membre Points: 6 Défis: 0 Message

Mario Kart game (work in progress)

Posté le 22/07/2022 01:32

This post in in English rather than French like most of the posts since I don't know French, sorry

I'm working on this Mario Kart game for the Casio CG50/Graph 90+E:

It currently runs with a pseudo-3D effect at 60fps (thanks a lot to Lephenixnoir for helping me optimise this), and has a lap count (currently counts laps when you reverse over the line as I haven't added checkpoints), a timer and drifting with boosts similar to the actual games.

Currently there is only one track, no items, no AI players, no coins, no menus etc. but I'm planning to add these things in the future.

There is also a browser port which has some configurable physics options for testing, as I'd like feedback on how the values should be set or how the physics could be improved in other ways.

Controls (calculator):
Accelerate: Shift
Hop: Alpha or 7
Steer: D-pad
Toggle FPS display: EXE
Toggle framelimit: F3

Controls (browser):
Accelerate: X
Hop: Z
Steer: Arrow keys

Source code (currently very messy, and contains some files it shouldn't)

Fichier joint

Loieducode Hors ligne Membre Points: 196 Défis: 6 Message

Citer : Posté le 22/07/2022 11:11 | #

Tried compiling myself for my calculator and an

fxsdk build-cg

ended up failing by complaining about missing source files...

(and assets too)
Trickswriting(sort le 1er avril):
Circuit10 Hors ligne Membre Points: 6 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 22/07/2022 12:33 | #

Sorry, I didn’t really clean up any hardcoded paths or test it, if you want to build it I’ll fix that (I did also attach the g3a if you just want that)
Circuit10 Hors ligne Membre Points: 6 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 22/07/2022 17:33 | #

OK, I fixed the missing files if you pull the latest version, the other thing you need to know is that you have to install libprof and the development version of gint:

giteapc install Lephenixnoir/libprof
giteapc install -u Lephenixnoir/gint@dev
Hackcell Hors ligne Maître du Puzzle Points: 1535 Défis: 11 Message

Citer : Posté le 23/07/2022 19:32 | #

I tried it for the weekend of tests, it was entertaining and enjoyable, especially the drifting being implemented, I can't wait for the rest to test it completely.

If I had one complaint right now it would be the mix of Mario kart 8 or whatever for the kart and F-zero/Super Mario kart for the map. Which seems a bit weird to me.
Lephenixnoir En ligne Administrateur Points: 24877 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 24/07/2022 11:47 | #

Excellent demo! Even though I saw most of the recent developments I had yed to test it on the calculator, and it's smooooth as heck.The 60 FPS grind is paying off!

I played for a little while and managed to get my single lap time down to 25:60, 3 laps to 1:17:90. There isn't a lot to do yet but cutting corners properly and getting the mini-boosts still leaves room for some technique.

Whenever you have an important update feel free to tag @RDP in your message so the update appears in our next "Revue des Projets" (project review) on the front page
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Circuit10 Hors ligne Membre Points: 6 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 26/07/2022 01:10 | #

Hackcell a écrit :
I tried it for the weekend of tests, it was entertaining and enjoyable, especially the drifting being implemented, I can't wait for the rest to test it completely.

If I had one complaint right now it would be the mix of Mario kart 8 or whatever for the kart and F-zero/Super Mario kart for the map. Which seems a bit weird to me.

Thanks! The track is from Mario Kart Super Circuit and the sprites are taken from a 3D model that is a recreation of the Mario Kart 64 sprites, from the Mario Kart 64 HD project.

I can’t really take the sprites from Mario Kart Super Circuit since they’re the wrong size etc. and having a 3D model is really flexible and useful. Obviously I can’t take the track from a 3D game without major edits since this is game has a 2D track using a tilemap (the calculator can’t handle e a full 3D scene at 60fps). What do you think I could do? I did try brightening the lighting on the 3D model to make it fit better, should I try to add more colour depth to the track?
Slyvtt Hors ligne Maître du Puzzle Points: 2465 Défis: 17 Message

Citer : Posté le 26/07/2022 08:04 | #

I tried MArio Kart only during few minutes and need to admit this is really impressive.
I had no doubt that the G90+E/CG50 is very powerful, thanks to what I saw while developping Outrun, but this is really a good job.

The rendering is both fast and very accurate, with no distortion of the map. The controls are also very receptive.
I am looking forward to see opponents and traps on the track to enhance the game experience and increase fun.
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