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Index du Forum » Autres questions » lire un fichier binaire contenant une liste int8_t avec Bfile (gint)
Pedrobzh Hors ligne Membre Points: 616 Défis: 0 Message

lire un fichier binaire contenant une liste int8_t avec Bfile (gint)

Posté le 16/01/2021 09:57

bonjour, comme dit dans le titre, peu t'on lire un fichier binaire contenant une liste int8_t avec Bfile ?

coté pc j'utilise https://gist.github.com/stackprogramer/318dc02af7df83cfe1664596dcebd1ac
pour écrire dans un fichier mais c'est comment coté Bfile?

Pedrobzh Hors ligne Membre Points: 616 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 16:01 | #

mais dans cette partie de code il y a un truc qui fais frezze le jeu

        dclear(C_WHITE); //marche

        map_print(); //marche
        dprint(1, 1, C_BLACK, "x: %d",x); //marche mais doute
        dupdate(); //met a jour l’écran mais doute
        if(keydown(KEY_LEFT)){x--;} //marche pas
        if(keydown(KEY_RIGHT)){x++;}//marche pas
        if(keydown(KEY_MENU)){break;}//marche pas

Ajouté le 17/01/2021 à 16:03 :
Lephenixnoir a écrit :
Tu n'as pas clearevents() je suppose ?
désolé j'ai pas vu le message

je ne sais pas ce que c'est clearevents() mais je suppose que c'est dclear()

Ajouté le 17/01/2021 à 16:09 :
ah, non
* clearevents() reads all pending events from the input queue.

pensés suicidaires
Lephenixnoir En ligne Administrateur Points: 24916 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 16:29 | #

L'information que tu cherches est écrite dans la doc, dans d'autres topics, et dans les tutos d'utilisation de gint. Je te laisse voir ce que tu peux comprendre à partir de ça.
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Kikoodx Hors ligne Ancien labélisateur Points: 3039 Défis: 11 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 16:50 | #

Je partage le script que j'avais mis sur la shout adapté pour dash, tu peux copier le contenu dans un fichier et le chmod +x gintwelp.sh. Tu peux l'ajouter au PATH, faire un alias ou le déplacer dans /usr/local/bin comme un gros bourrin.
Tu peux par la suite l'appeler de cette manière :
$ gintwelp.sh drect

Voici le code, adapte le en fournissant le chemin vers les sources de gint
cd $HOME/opt/gint/include
grep -A30 "$@():" **/*.h

ouais ouais
Pedrobzh Hors ligne Membre Points: 616 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 17:40 | #

ce que je comprends pas c'est que dans mon projet binnworld (voir signature) ça marche très bien

et la je fais un nouveau projet et ça ne marche pas

Ajouté le 17/01/2021 à 22:09 :
après vérification dans le code de binnworld j'ai un key = getkey_opt(opt, &timeout).key; au début de ma boucle principale

je crois que c'étais ça qui fessait marcher les keydown
pensés suicidaires
Lephenixnoir En ligne Administrateur Points: 24916 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 22:10 | #

Je t'ai donné les éléments :
• La doc de gint
• Les autres topics du forum
• Les tutoriels d'utilisation de gint
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Pedrobzh Hors ligne Membre Points: 616 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 22:12 | #

Lephenixnoir a écrit :
Je t'ai donné les éléments :
• La doc de gint
• Les autres topics du forum
• Les tutoriels d'utilisation de gint
je comprends pas le sens de ce message

Ajouté le 17/01/2021 à 22:14 :
tu te parles tout seul?
pensés suicidaires
Lephenixnoir En ligne Administrateur Points: 24916 Défis: 174 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 22:15 | #

Ah, non j'explique juste pourquoi je ne réponds pas à la question implicite que tu poses sur le rapport entre getkey_opt() et keydown(). Je pourrais ne rien dire, c'est juste pour clarifier : je fais exprès de ne pas répondre, j'attends que tu jettes un oeil à la solution.
Mon graphe (28 Janvier): (MPM ; serial gint ; (Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; ? ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Pedrobzh Hors ligne Membre Points: 616 Défis: 0 Message

Citer : Posté le 17/01/2021 22:18 | #

moi quand je lis keyboard.h je comprends pas grand chose
//    gint:keyboard - Keyboard input


/* Keyboard, key events, keydown() and getkey()

   gint's keyboard driver regularly scans the keyboard matrix and produces *key
   events*. A key event basically says that a key has been pressed or released
   at some point in time. Key events are a faithful description of everything
   that happens on the keyboard.

   These key events are stored in the *event queue*, from where they can be

   * pollevent() fetches the next keyboard event waiting in the queue. Events
     will always be returned in chronological order. If there is no keyboard
     event pending (ie. if nothing happened since last time events were read),
     this function returns a dummy event of type KEYEV_NONE.
   * waitevent() fetches the next keyboard event waiting in the queue. If the
     queue is empty, it waits until one becomes available or a timeout expires,
     whichever comes first. The timeout can be configured.

   When events have been read, other functions can be read to check whether a
   certain key (or set of keys) is pressed.

   * keydown() checks if the specified key is currently pressed. (*)
   * keydown_all() checks if all keys of a specified list are pressed. The list
     should end with value 0.
   * keydown_any() checks if any key of a specified list is pressed. The list
     should end with value 0.

   (*) The keydown() functions do not report the absolute current state of the
       key, but rather the state of the key according to the events that have
       been retrieved so far. If the queue contains {KEY_A, KEYEV_DOWN} and
       {KEY_A, KEYEV_UP}, the following sequence of events will happen:

         keydown(KEY_A)   -> 0
         pollevent()      -> {KEY_A, KEYEV_DOWN}
         keydown(KEY_A)   -> 1
         pollevent()      -> {KEY_A, KEYEV_UP}
         keydown(KEY_A)   -> 0

       Synchronizing keydown() and the events increases the accuracy of
       keyboard information for fast programs and its reliability for slow

       When all events have been read from the queue, keydown() returns the
       absolute current key state, which is what will happen 90% of the time.

   Applications that are not interested in event contents but only in pressed
   keys can automatically read all events from the queue before they start
   using keydown():

   * clearevents() reads all pending events from the input queue.

   The previous functions are quite low-level. GUI programs that look like the
   system applications will prefer using a GetKey()-like functions that return
   a single key press at a time, heeds for releases, for SHIFT and ALPHA
   modifiers, handles repeats, backlight and return-to-menu.

   * getkey_opt() is gint's enhanced GetKey()-like function, with support for
     custom repetition and many fine-tunable options.
   * getkey() is a specific call to getkey_opt(), that imitates GetKey().

   These functions introduce a new type of key event called KEYEV_HOLD which
   represents a key repeat. */

#include <gint/defs/types.h>
#include <gint/keycodes.h>

/* key_event_t: Low-level or high-level keyboard event

   This structure represents an event that occurs on the keyboard. It is first
   produced by the keyboard scanner with limited information, then possibly
   enriched by getkey(). Events are produced each time the keyboard is scanned,
   which is 128 Hz by default. Hence, a key press and release occuring in less
   than 8 ms might not be detected.

   getkey() returns enriched events with [mod=1], in whic ase [shift] and
   [alpha] indicate whether the key has been modified. Only key press events
   returned by getkey() have [mod=1]. Note that you can't have, e.g.
   [key=KEY_SHIFT] and [mod=1] at the same time.

   The [time] attribute indicates when the event occurred. It is a snapshot of
   a time counter that increases at each keyboard scan and *wraps around every
   8 minutes* (at 128 Hz). I expect this attribute to be useful to analyze
   combo sequences in games. Make sure you are aware of the two nitpicks:
   * Don't keep the time values for too long because of the wrap-around effect.
   * 0xffff is "just before" 0x0000, not "long after". */
typedef struct
    uint time    :16;    /* Time of event, unique over short periods */

    uint        :3;    /* Reserved for future use */

    uint mod    :1;    /* Whether modifiers are used */
    uint shift    :1;    /* If mod=1, whether SHIFT was pressed */
    uint alpha    :1;    /* If mod=1, whether ALPHA was pressed */

    uint type    :2;    /* Type of key event */
    uint key    :8;    /* Hit key */

} GPACKED(4) key_event_t;

/* Keyboard event types, as in the [type] field of key_event_t */
    KEYEV_NONE = 0,        /* No event available (poll() only) */
    KEYEV_DOWN = 1,        /* Key was pressed */
    KEYEV_UP   = 2,        /* Key was released */
    KEYEV_HOLD = 3,        /* A key that was pressed has been held down */

/* Size of the buffer event queue, can be customized using gint's configure
   script before compiling the library. Better be a power of 2. */

/* Keyboard frequency analysis, must be at least 64 for the keyboard to work,
   and at most 32768 for the extra timer to support it. Better if a power of 2.
   TODO: Add a runtime setting for KEYBOARD_SCAN_FREQUENCY */

//    Event-level functions

/* pollevent(): Poll the next keyboard event
   This function returns the next event from the event queue, chronologically.
   If no event is available, it returns a dummy event with type=KEYEV_NONE
   and time set to the current driver time. This function always returns events
   with mod=0. */
key_event_t pollevent(void);

/* waitevent(): Wait for the next keyboard event
   This function works as pollevent() but waits if no event is available. When
   timeout=NULL, it waits indefinitely. Otherwise, it waits until *timeout
   becomes non-zero. It is particularly suitable to set *timeout to 1 using a
   timer with [timer_timeout] as callback. See <gint/timer.h>. */
key_event_t waitevent(volatile int *timeout);

/* clearevents(): Read all events waiting in the queue */
void clearevents(void);

//    Key state functions

/* keydown(): Current key state
   This function returns zero if the specified key is currently up (according
   to the last events that have been processed) and non-zero if it is down. */
int keydown(int key);

/* keydown_all(): Check a set of keys for simultaneous input
   Returns non-zero if all provided keys are down. The list should end with a 0
   as terminator. */
int keydown_all(int key1, ...);

/* keydown_any(): Check a set of keys for any input
   Returns nonzero if any one of the specified keys is currently pressed. The
   sequence should be terminated by a 0 integer. */
int keydown_any(int key1, ...);

//    High-level functions

/* getkey(): Wait for a key press

   This function mimics the behavior of the fxlib GetKey(). It returns a
   key_event_t object where [mod=1], and where [shift] and [alpha] indicate
   whether SHIFT or ALPHA was pressed before the key was hit. [event] is
   KEYEV_DOWN when a new key is pressed and KEYEV_HOLD in case of repeats.

   Similarities with GetKey() include:
   - Wait for a key to be pressed *after* the call (held keys don't count)
   - Supports SHIFT and ALPHA modifiers
   - Repeats arrows keys
   - Allows return to main menu if the MENU key is pressed
   - Controls backlight on models that have a back-lit screen

   getkey() is equivalent to getkey_opt(GETKEY_DEFAULT, NULL). */
key_event_t getkey(void);

/* The following are the option bits for getkey_opt(). */
enum {
    /* Enable modifiers keys */
    GETKEY_MOD_SHIFT   = 0x01,
    GETKEY_MOD_ALPHA   = 0x02,
    /* SHIFT + OPTN toggles backlight (requires GETKEY_MOD_SHIFT) */
    GETKEY_BACKLIGHT   = 0x04,
    /* MENU triggers a task switch and displays the main menu */
    GETKEY_MENU        = 0x08,
    /* Repeat arrow keys, or even all keys */
    GETKEY_REP_ARROWS  = 0x10,
    GETKEY_REP_ALL     = 0x20,
    /* Enable repeat event filtering; see getkey_repeat_filter() */
    GETKEY_REP_FILTER  = 0x40,

    /* No modifiers */
    GETKEY_NONE        = 0x00,
    /* Default settings of getkey() */
    GETKEY_DEFAULT     = 0x5f,

/* getkey_opt(): Enhanced getkey()

   This function enhances getkey() with more general features. An
   or-combination of option flags (see above) must be supplied as first
   argument; GETKEY_NONE stands for no option. getkey_opt() returns the same
   kind of events as getkey().

   getkey_opt() supports a generic timeout function in the form of a volatile
   pointer [timeout]. If it's NULL, getkey_opt() waits indefinitely. Otherwise,
   it waits until *timeout becomes non-zero. It's up to you to change the
   value whenever you want to interrupt the call; using a timer with
   [timer_timeout] as callback is suitable. See <gint/timer.h>.

   @options  An or-combination of values from the GETKEY_* enumeration
   @timeout  Optional pointer to a timeout value
   Returns a key event of type KEYEV_DOWN or KEYEV_HOLD with [mod=1]. */
key_event_t getkey_opt(int options, volatile int *timeout);

/* getkey_repeat(): Set repeat delays for getkey()

   This function updates the repeat delays of getkey() and getkey_opt(). The
   unit of the argument is in milliseconds, but the granularity of the delay is
   dependent on the keyboard scan frequency.

   In the default setting (128 Hz scans), the possible repeat delays are
   approximately 8 ms, 16 ms, 23 ms, 31 ms... the provided arguments will be
   rounded to the closest feasible delays to ensure that repetitions are
   perfectly regular, rather than approximating the requested frequency.

   The system default is (500 ms, 125 ms). With the 128 Hz setting, this
   default is reached exactly without approximation. gint's default is (400 ms,
   40 ms) for more reactivity.

   @first  Delay between key press and first repeat (no more than one hour)
   @next   Delay between subsequent repeats (no more than one hour) */
void getkey_repeat(int first, int next);

/* getkey_repeat_filter(): Set the repeat filter function

   The repeat filter is called by getkey() and getkey_opt() every time a repeat
   event occurs when GETKEY_REP_FILTER is set. The filter can decide whether to
   keep, delay or drop the event. It can also change the repeat delays with
   getkey_repeat() for fully custom repeat delay curves.

   The time elapsed since the last accepted repeat is passed to the filter
   function; this time must be larger than the repeat time set with
   getkey_repeat() for getkey() and getkey_opt() to consider a repeat, but it
   can be much longer if some repeat events were previously filtered out.

   @key       Key that is about to be repeated
   @duration  Duration since last accepted repeat
   @count     Number of previous repeats

   The repeat function must either return:
   * 0, in which case the even is accepted
   * A positive number of milliseconds, in which case the event is tentatively
     re-emitted after that time (the filter function will be called again)
   * A negative number, in which case the event is dropped and further repeats
     are denied.

   By default the filter function is NULL, which accepts all repeat events.
   This behavior can be restored explicitly by calling with function=NULL. */
void getkey_repeat_filter(int (*filter)(int key, int duration, int count));

//    Key code functions

/* keycode_function(): Identify keys F1 .. F6
   This function returns number of each F-key (eg. it returns 2 for KEY_F2),
   and -1 for other keys. */
int keycode_function(int keycode);

/* keycode_digit(): Identify keys 0 .. 9
   This function returns the digit associated with digit keycodes (eg. it
   returns 7 for KEY_7) and -1 for other keys. */
int keycode_digit(int keycode);

#endif /* GINT_KEYBOARD */

c'est en le lisant pas hasard pendant le projet binnworld qui j'ai découvert keydown

Ajouté le 17/01/2021 à 22:28 :
ca marche reste plus qu'a interpréter correctement les donnés de la map (car la ca bug)
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Inikiwi Hors ligne Membre Points: 595 Défis: 8 Message

Citer : Posté le 31/08/2021 14:53 | #

ah! ce topic va bien m'aider quand j'en aurait besoin!

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