Posté le 27/12/2019 08:24
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Citer : Posté le 27/12/2019 08:33 | #
Hi! You can check out this diagram of Casio graphing calculators for an approximate translation:
Long story short, the Graph 35+ is an old black-and-white model which does not support add-ins, and everything else black-and-white does. The Graph 35+ USB and 35+E can be flashed into Graph 75+ and 75+E which natively support add-ins. Anything that works on one of these models will work on all others. (Except for old SH3 machines but you don't really need to support them.)
The Graph 35+E II is the one you should watch out for because it has a different filesystem and screen. There is some (minimal) work to do to make sure everything is supported. There is currently no international model of the Graph 35+E II.
The fx-CG 10 is only sold in the United States as far as I know. In Europe, you would find the fx-CG 20 which was commonly called the Prizm. However the Prizm was not very popular, and has been discontinued (or almost so) in France for some years now. It is now completely supplanted by the Graph 90+E. Stuff that works on the Graph 90+E is portable to the Prizm with minimal effort if you just care to adjust the memory layout (and vice-versa).
Citer : Posté le 27/12/2019 10:07 | #
Graph 25+Pro = fx-7400GII
Graph 25+E = fx-7400GII SH4 + exam LED
Graph 75 = fx-9860GII SH3
Graph 75+ = fx-9860GII SH4
Graph 75+E = fx-9860GII SH4 + exam LED
Graph 85 = fx-9860G
Graph 95 = fx-9860GII SD
Graph 90+E = fx-CG50
There is no exact international equivalent for the Graph 35+E/USB. But technically, you may see it as an improved fx-9750GII :
Graph 35+USB = fx-9750GII + MathIO
Graph 35+E = fx-9750GII SH4 + MathIO + exam LED
The Graph 35+E II has no international equivalent up to date.
fx-CG10 = fx-CG20 (on older versions, there used to be more limitations regarding .g3p image files on the fx-CG10, but with latest version 2.02 and its exam mode it's not the case anymore)
There are also specific models for other countries :
fx-9860G AU = fx-9860G with only 800K storage instead of 1.5M
fx-9860G AU PLUS = fx-9860GII
fx-9860GIIs = fx-9860GII without MathIO
fx-CG20CN = fx-CG20 with some chinese key labels
fx-CG20AU = fx-CG20 with only 4.5M storage instead of 16M
fx-CG50AU = fx-CG50 with only 4.5M storage instead of 16M
Regarding the C.Basic add-in :
- C. Basic FX natively works on all Graph 75/85/95 and fx-9860G
- C. Basic FX can work on the Graph 35+E/USB and fx-9750GII if reflashed with an fx-9860G firmware
- C. Basic CG natively works on all fx-CG10/20/50 and Graph 90+E
Ajouté le 27/12/2019 à 10:16 :
The Graph 35+ despite its name is a much older non-USB calculator, similar to the fx-9750G+.
Here's a timeline with french models and their international equivalents :
Citer : Posté le 27/12/2019 21:23 | #
Hi Lephenixnoir and Critor
Thanks for all information provided! They really help me further confirm the supported models of C.Basic.
Citer : Posté le 27/12/2019 22:00 | #
You're welcome.
Citer : Posté le 28/12/2019 08:40 | #
This is a good topic.
I clearly understood the French correspondence table of the calculator.
It is new knowledge that the 35+USB had MathIO.
At the moment, the FX version is mainly tested on 35+EII.
There is no problem at present.
If there are any problems, I'll fix them immediately.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.
Citer : Posté le 12/01/2020 10:21 | #
The french Graph 35+E II now has an international equivalent, the fx9860GIII USB Power Graphic 3 which is getting released for back to school 2020 :
More information and sources :
Citer : Posté le 12/01/2020 10:25 | #
Oh gosh, fx-9860GIII
Finally fx-9860G series is being updated.
Ready to support this calculator in C.Basic?
Citer : Posté le 12/01/2020 10:30 | #
Since it's probably the same as the Graph 35+E II, I guess C.Basic is already compatible.
Citer : Posté le 12/01/2020 11:56 | #
C.Basic didn't work well with the Graph35+EII at first, but it's OK now.
If the 9860GIII is the same as the 35+EII, it will work without any problem.
Overclocking utilitaire Ftune/Ptune2/Ptune3 est également disponible.
Si vous avez des questions ou un rapport de bogue, n'hésitez pas à me le faire savoir.