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Index du Forum » Discussions » Draw command shifted by 1 pixel to the right after Cls command on a 2080byte background
Redcmd Hors ligne Membre Points: 380 Défis: 7 Message

Draw command shifted by 1 pixel to the right after Cls command on a 2080byte background

Posté le 18/11/2019 21:09

In normal basic StoPict 1 creates a 2068byte image
While in C.Basic its 2080bytes
This causes draw commands to be shifted to the right by 1 pixel in normal basic when the 2080byte image is used as the background

Run StoPict 1 in C.Basic
Run BG-Pict 1 in normal basic
in normal basic, create this program
Vertical 30
Vertical 30

You should notice that the 1st line has moved one pixel to the right
This bug affects DrawStat, PlotOn/Off/Chg, Vertical and Horizontal
But not PixelOn/Off/Chg

This only occurs to the first draw command being run after Cls
The 2nd draw command being run after that, wont be affected

Fichier joint

Lephenixnoir Hors ligne Administrateur Points: 24520 Défis: 170 Message

Citer : Posté le 18/11/2019 21:10 | #

Does this only happen for one command? Which 1024-byte region of the 2080-byte background corresponds to the actual image?
Mon graphe (11 Avril): ((Rogue Life || HH2) ; PythonExtra ; serial gint ; Boson X ; passe gint 3 ; ...) || (shoutbox v5 ; v5)
Redcmd Hors ligne Membre Points: 380 Défis: 7 Message

Citer : Posté le 18/11/2019 21:18 | #

Does this only happen for one command?
Seems to only be commands that draw to the graph rather than the screen directly
Which 1024-byte region of the 2080-byte background corresponds to the actual image?
Im not sure what part of the 2080 is the image, as the image must have come from one of the programs I downloaded from this website

Ajouté le 18/11/2019 à 21:28 :
Heres the image 2080Pict

Ajouté le 19/11/2019 à 04:59 :
The 2080 byte background image came from C.Basic
Simply running StoPict 1 creates it

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