Posté le 18/10/2013 22:20
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Citer : Posté le 18/10/2013 22:31 | #
Est-ce-que tu as lu cet article ?
Si oui, tu devrait pouvoir équilibrer le tout sans programme
Citer : Posté le 18/10/2013 22:33 | #
Oui, je l'ai lu mais je ne le comprends pas...
En plus, de toute façon mon but est de faire un programme pour tout automatiser...
Mais en effet ça serait déjà cool si je le comprenais comment le faire à la main
En tout cas mon but est de faire un programme pour que ce soit plus rapide et convivial
Ajouté le 18/10/2013 à 22:38 :
En plus, le tutoriel sur lequel tu t'es basé (l'espagnol) est pour la ClassPad 300, donc ça va être bien simple
Le problème, c'est que je fais allemand!
Ajouté le 18/10/2013 à 22:48 :
Voilà la source d'un add-in ClassPad qui le fait
Problème : je ne fais pas de C++ et encore moins du ClassPad SDK
Citer : Posté le 18/10/2013 23:34 | #
I created a program in BASIC to do that for fx-cp400 (is also compatible with cp3XX), but it is terribly slow:
takes about than 1 minute to balance an equation just with 2 produts and 2 reagents.
the first steps I did was:
1-Input the equation/string
2-Search and remove spaces in input
3-Search for the "=" signal and split the string in 2 sub-strings (Produts and Reagents). If there is no "=", return an error.
4-Search for the "+" in produts and reagents and 'explode' that strings to lists.
...after you have the list of produts and reagents you have to try to find a way to process them...
Citer : Posté le 19/10/2013 11:01 | #
Thanks for your answer.
Indeed, this way is very good, to find all the symboles in the strings and separate them...
But I dont understand how you separate the names of the elements and the number of elements...
Could you send me your basic file, so I can adaptate it for ClassPad 300 ?
Citer : Posté le 02/11/2013 22:40 | #
Sorry for the late reply.
You can download the current version of the program (0.3) here, is compatible with the classpad 300.
However, is a bit slow (as I said before) because it was created in CPBasic (with the main target CP fx-cp400 that just support CPBasic). It may take 1 minute to balance a simple equation.
I suggest you use the add-in version of diameter