Posté le 14/11/2011 18:50
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Citer : Posté le 01/07/2012 01:12 | #
im shearching about "how emulator check if is expired"
now i know the license file location (i think), i need 1 tester with 1 expired emulator to test it
Citer : Posté le 01/07/2012 14:06 | #
I'm your guy
My emulator is on a VM (on WinXP).
Citer : Posté le 01/07/2012 15:20 | #
im also talking about this in a chinese forum (in english of course)
thanks pierrotll, but 1 chinese member tested it today:
ExAcler quote:
Your license files don't work......
Oh,I see......The time emulator is called "RunAsDate"
helder7 Could you make an investigation about the desktop shortcut of CG20 Emulator?
I found it abnormal because when I run the emulator by desktop shortcut,everything goes well.But when I run the emulator by Windows Explorer,an registry error occurs.Like this:
as I suspected, the emulator use reg keys + this license files
i do yesterday a log of changes in regedit.exe when i install the emulator, now i need investigate it (if anywone want i can send log file by pm)
ps: here is the license files directory (confirmed): C:\ProgramData\CASIO\Manager PLUS Trial
not related with "hacking"
i also found temporary directory where calc save "programs", etc:
C:\Users\HELDER\AppData\Roaming\CASIO\fx-CG10_20 Manager PLUS (90 Day Trial)\EmulatorData
in this directory there are 1 folder called Sd card
and in this files:
CG10M.dlm there are some references to sd card
prizm sd in future? currently in prizm os there are also some references to sd card.