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Un programme au hasard
Catégorie : Jeux
Rubrique : Action/Sport
Pour : Graph 35 à 100
Profil de Calamari

CalamariHors ligneMembrePoints: 404 Défis: 0 Message

Date d'inscription : 18 août 2022
Date de derniere connexion : 27 janvier 2025 10:16
Site Perso : -

Moyenne générale : 9/10 avec 1 note(s)
Nombre de programmes : 11
Total de téléchargements : 1 778

Nombre de labels de qualité : 0
Nombre de participations aux concours : 0
Nombre de tests publiés : 0

Groupes :

Cet utilisateur n'appartient à aucun groupe.

Présentation :

I started programming in 1989 with GW-BASIC for MS-DOS and currently use C, Python, and Bourne shell. I've been running Linux as my primary OS since 2004 (Ubuntu), but these days I run Debian with the MATE desktop.

My avatar is Squid Girl from Shinryaku! Ika Musume (侵略!イカ娘).

Non-Game Projects (Delivered)
MPFS: a compressed filesystem for Python (forum topic).
• CAS program text conversion scripts for legacy CFX calculators.
CSV formula to G1M conversion script, for Casio S-SHT application.
How to make your own PC to Casio calculator serial cable

Projects in Progress
Duvet, a spreadsheet alternative.
Frotz. Completed so far: compiling the code, R/W overlay for game variables, auto-updating storage-backed cache (so that the entire story doesn't need to be loaded into RAM so I can play on my Slim), loading and running a story in a very rudimentary way. Still need to massively improve output (control sequences, word wrapping, fix problems caused by intentionally misinforming the interpreter about the size of the screen), implement input, add a status bar, implement saving/loading, and perform general testing.
UMoria. Completed so far: massive code refactorings to organize the code, removing some features to reduce RAM usage, start of UI revamp. Code compiles, but won't link yet due to RAM overage. Thinking of doing a special CG version first, as due to the large amount of RAM and screen resolution it should work with only minor changes to the official code. However, the mono version is the one I'm much more excited about.
• Klondike Solitaire for the CFX-9800G. Completed so far: drawing ranks/suits/cards, shuffling the deck, dealing the hand. Still need to implement the game logic. As drawing the cards is so slow, this one isn't going to get much play, so it's rather low priority.

Projects in Early Planning or Investigation
• Planetarium for CG50. I'd be porting and enhancing code that I wrote years ago for Android Wear, with formulas mainly from the book "Practical astronomy with your calculator", which seems highly appropriate.
• Music player. This would mainly be a vehicle to try to get TS Williamson's serial port sound code working under gint. It might also be interesting to see what is possible with Amiga MODs, AdLib or chip emulation, or MIDI and soundfonts, as I could see those potentially being used in games.
• Sierra AGI (Adventure Game Interpreter) for CG50, to play King's Quest 4. Working sound is pretty much a requirement here.
• The classic Atari arcade game Asteroids The game would also greatly benefit from sound.
Fairchild Channel F emulator
DOSBox. This might require some trickery or maybe specific versions of DOS, as the CG50 can't provide the full 640K of RAM.
• Chess program that can beat me, even if it can't beat anyone else
• Programmer's calculator similar to the Casio CM-100

Programmable Calculators I Own
Casio fx-CG50
Casio fx-9750GIII-PK
Casio GRAPH 75+ (on loan)
Casio fx-9860G Slim 💕
Casio CFX-9800G
Casio fx-7000G
HP-41CX (not a graphing calculator, but programmable)

Signature :

“Remember to have fun doing this, or it ain't worth it.” — Robert Alan Koeneke
“They call me the king of the spreadsheets, got 'em all printed out on my bedsheets.” — “Weird Al” Yankovic

Programmes de Calamari :
Nom Catégorie Compatibilité Date
Solitaire Python Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2022-09-01 23:26
S-SHT Tic-Tac-Toe Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2022-09-18 05:59
Klondike Solitaire Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2022-09-21 04:18
Hunt the Wumpus Jeu de role ou rpg Graph 25+Pro/25+E/25+E II 2022-10-06 21:50
Laser Logic Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2022-10-10 05:19
S-SHT Video Poker Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2024-09-30 21:24
Tower of Hanoi Jeu de reflexion Graph 25+Pro/25+E/25+E II 2024-10-03 01:05
Sokoban Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2024-10-10 00:48
Campus Jeu de reflexion Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2024-10-25 23:11
Trick Candles Jeu d'action ou de sport Graph 35+USB/75(+E)/85/95 SD 2024-10-27 22:07
Calibrate Outil de graphisme Graph 90+E 2024-10-31 07:58

Sujets de Calamari :
Sujet Messages Mis à jour
Duvet, a spreadsheet alternative22024-10-27 12:59
CSV to Casio G1M spreadsheet conversion script02024-10-03 05:16
Images pour les pages de téléchargement112024-10-02 22:34
img2py and pyimage for MicroPython232023-10-10 17:47
Casio CAS format conversion scripts for legacy CFX02022-10-24 02:14
[Bug?] Mes Messages: À column is empty12022-09-22 10:15
-m3 vs -m4-nofpu32022-09-21 16:18
[Feature Request] Show the "Description en anglais" field, if it's used42022-09-20 20:40
Syscalls on recent mono calculators12022-09-12 07:13
Python input and casioplot22022-08-20 08:24

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